Mar 29, 2025  
2024 - 2025 Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Catalog

Directory of Personnel

Texas Lutheran University Corporation

Texas Lutheran University is a university of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). It is a nonprofit corporation of the state of Texas. The Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana, Southwestern Texas and Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synods of the ELCA each elect nine members of the corporation. The TLU Board of Regents also elects nine members of the corporation and the bishops of the three synods are ex officio members. The corporation, which meets annually on campus, elects the members of the Board of Regents and has the authority to amend the university’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

Steve Anderson, retired administrator TLU, Seguin.

Austin Adams, retired, Flower Mound.

Tim Bauerkemper, pastor, First Lutheran, San Marcos.

Ashley Bergeron, high school counselor, Flower Mound.

Sue Briner, bishop, Southwestern Texas Synod, ELCA, New Braunfels.

Gayle Bouzard, associate chair, department of sociology, Texas State University, San Marcos.

George Brookover, ELCA retired pastor/consultant, Kingwood.

Jamie Bruning, pastor, Highland Springs Retirement Community, ELCA, Garland.

Annette Citzler, retired professor, TLU, La Grange.

Alexandria Dawson, teacher, Community ISD, Allen.

Darren Dunn, general manager, KWED Radio, Seguin.

Charles Franks, retired, Valero Energy Corporation, San Antonio.

Atlee Fritz, owner, AEF Manufacturing, Seguin.

Anna Geleske, owner, The Salon Professional Academy, Dallas/New Breaunfels.

Ken Gerner, alternate presiding officer, insurance agent, State Farm, Houston.

Erik Gronberg, bishop, Northern Texas-Northern Louisiana Synod, ELCA, Fort Worth.

Beth Hartfiel, youth gathering coordinator, Churchwide, ELCA, Houston.

Carl Haveman, retired dentist, Canyon Lake.

Christine Jaecks, secretary, Fort Worth.

Matt Kindsvatter, executive director, Lutherhill Ministries, La Grange.

John Kuempel, Texas State Representative, Seguin.

Chris Lake, pastor, Tree of Life Lutheran Church, ELCA. Conroe.

Sarah Loyd, senior client success manager, Social News Desk, San Antonio.

Lauren Lys, office administrator, St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA, Corpus Christi.

Michelle Mote, youth and families director, Messiah Lutheran Church, ELCA, Katy.

Kerry Nelson, pastor, Faith Lutheran Church, ELCA, Bellaire.

Thomas Pearson, professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg.

Sarah Pareda, Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA, Fort Worth.

Jonathan Price, professor of geosciences, Midwestern State Univ., Wichita Falls.

Terry Richter, clinical social worker/psychotherapist, Interface Samaritan Counseling Centers, Houston.

Michael Rinehart, bishop, Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, ELCA, Houston.

Susie Schnelle, pastor, ELCA, Austin.

Charlotte Smith, presiding officer, chief financial officer, Lee Anderson Company, Brenham.

Robert Thonhoff, president and engineer, Thonhoff Consulting Engineers, Austin.

Kathy Toensing, retired teacher, La Grange.

Jeremy Ullrich, pastor, St. John Lutheran Church, Bartlett.

Kari Voight, executive director of operations, Faith Lutheran Church - Flower Mound, Highland Village.

Board of Regents

The Texas Lutheran University Board of Regents is the policy making body in the governance structure of the university. The board’s members are elected by the Texas Lutheran University Corporation. Meetings are held three times each year. The board’s executive committee includes the chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer and three at-large members.

Mike Appling., business executive, Houston.

Barb Bartling, senior pastor, Holy Comforter Church, ELCA, Kingwood

Rhonda Calvert, San Antonio market president, Commercia Bank, San Antonio

Derek Cantu, nurse manager, Methodist Hospital, Boerne

Tony Canty, executive vice president, Labatt Food Service, San Antonio

Dan Church, vice chairman, Axon Energy Products, Spring

Michael Coffey,. ELCA pastor, Austin.

Kathy Collins, retired chief financial officer, Rice University, Houston

Jessie Everline, hospital administrator, Baylor Scott & White, Austin

Irene Garza, superintendent, Taft, ISD, Seguin

Ilene Gohmert-Leck, treasurer, CPA, Cuero

Karen Kegg, non-profit consultant, Lee & Associates, Austin

Charles Kitzman, first vice president, wealth management, The Kitzman Group, Houston

Gary Kolkhorst, managing partner, Kolkhorst & Kolkhorst CPA, Houston.

Richard Manske, retired attorney, El Campo.

Robin Melvin, retired attorney, Austin.

Kendra Mohn, pastor, Trinity Lutheran Church, ELCA, Fort Worth.

Luis J. Moreno, chief of staff, Texas State Senator Juan Hinojosa, Austin.

Laura O’Donnell, attorney, Haynes and Boone, LLP, San Antonio.

Robert L. Oliver, chair, retired founder/manager, Metano Energy, San Antonio.

Gary Riske, retired, vice president - Global eCommerce Audit Services with Walmart eCommerce, Sunnyvale, CA.

Steve Rode, secretary, retired ELCA pastor, Boerne

Jennifer Sanders, anchor and reporter, KXAN-TV, Austin

Dave Sather, president, Sather Financial Group, Victoria

Gary Valdez, president, Focus Strategies, LLC, Austin

Michael Washington, vice-chair, associate director of admissions, University of Texas at Austin, Cedar Park

Brad Webb, retired lieutenant general, U.S. Air Force, Seguin

Mark Whitt, president, Tenaska Marketing Ventures, Omaha, NE

Regents Emeriti

Robert L. Beglau, retired Thrivent/Lutheran Brotherhood managing partner/general agent, Great Southwest Agency, Austin.

Fred Biery, U.S. District Judge, San Antonio.

Glynn Bloomquist, Chairman, Home Run Dugout, Austin

Marion Brekken, church and community leader, Grapevine.

Nancy Breland, JD, CPA, CFP, attorney, Breland & Breland, Houston.

V. George Brookover, ELCA, Intentional Interim Minister/owner, Brookover Leadership Development and Consulting, Kingwood.

Jack Bush, president, Raintree Partners, Inc., Dallas.

Carol DeHaven, retired, school administrator, New Braunfels.

Pam Dickson, church and community leader, Humble.

Carol R. Drucker, physician, The Woodlands.

Philip Dunne, president, Advanced Containment Systems, Inc., Friendswood. 

Susan Evers, retired financial executive, USAA, San Antonio

Larry Franklin, financial representative, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Lubbock.

Charles Franks, CPA, retired, Valero Energy Corporation, San Antonio

Susan Giesecke, retired, certified financial planner, Houston.

Roger Hemminghaus, consultant, retired chairman and CEO of Ultramar Diamond Shamrock, San Antonio.

Andrew Huang, vice president, marketing, Smart Financial Credit Union, Houston

Daniel Juarez, MD, PA; clinical assistant professor, Department of Internal Medicine, UTHSC at San Antonio, San Antonio

Paula Kaplan, managing partner, Kaplan Partners, Ltd., Longview.

Kathy Graeber Kubelka, retired educator, owner, Kathy’s Catering, Richmond.

Jon Lee, retired senior pastor, King of Glory Lutheran Church, ELCA, Dallas.

Verne Lundquist, sports commentator, CBS Sports, Steamboat Springs, CO.

Nancy Maeker, director, A Minnesota Without Poverty, Minneapolis, Minn.

Joe C. McKinney, vice chairman, Broadway National Bank, San Antonio.

Lee Mueller, rancher, and community leader, La Grange and San Antonio

Karen Norman Mueller, church and community leader, La Grange and San Antonio.

Wes Peoples, , founder/president, Wes Peoples Homes, Austin.

Bill Petmecky retired senior vice president, Seneca Resources Corporation, Fredericksburg.

Claudette Pfennig-High, church and community leader, Pearland.

Russ Rinn, retired, EVP of Metals Recycling of Steel Dynamics, Inc., president and chief operating officer of OmniSource Corporation, Fort Wayne, IN.

Xavier Rodriguez, U.S. District Judge, San Antonio

Ann Saegert, retired, senior counsel, Haynes and Boone, Dallas

Allan H. Sager, professor emeritus for contextual education, Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio.

Laura Sanford, president, AT&T Foundation, Dallas.

Charlotte Smith, chief financial officer, Lee Anderson Company, Brenham.

Marie Smith, church and community leader, San Antonio.

Berger Wallin, retired, executive vice president, Sundstrand Corp., Morrison, Colorado.

Graham Weston, CEO, Weston Ventures, San Antonio.

Evangeline G. Williams, investments/real estate, Lakeway.

Karl Woodling, Owner, M.M. Moore, Dallas.

President Emeriti

Charles H. Oestreich, (1969), president emeritus. B.S., Capital University; M.S., Ph.D., Ohio University; L.L.D., honoris causa, Capital University.

Jon N. Moline (1994), president emeritus. A.B., Austin College; Ph.D., Duke University.

Stuart Dorsey, (2011) president emeritus. B.S., B.A. University of South Dakota; A.M. Ph.D., Washington University

Faculty Emeriti

Louis E. Bittrich (1960), professor emeritus of English studies and theater. B.A., Gustavus Adolphus; M.A., Bowling Green State University; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina.

Alicia Briney (2005), professor emeritus of business administration, B.A, M.A., Louisiana State University, Ph.D., University of North Texas/

Beth Bronk (2006), associate professor emeritus, School of Music, B.M., University of Texas, M.M., University of North Texas.

Annette Citzler (1977), professor emeritus of economics and business. B.A., Texas Lutheran University, M.A., University of Texas Austin, Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Shaaron Conoly (1970), associate professor, School of Music, B.M. University of Texas Austin; Lisence do Concert, Ecole Normal de Musique, France; M.Ed., Texas State University

Rebecca C. Czuchry (2005) retired professor of history, B.A., Texas A&M University Corpus Christi; M.A., Texas State University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Lorne Davis (2002), professor emeritus of physics. B.S., Texas A&M University; A.M., Washington University, Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Shirley Dean (1985), instructor emeritus of biology. B.S., University of North Carolina, Greensboro; M.P.H., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Susan K. Duke (1973), associate professor emeritus of kinesiology. B.S., Arkansas Polytechnic College; M.S., University of Wisconsin.

Vicki Eckhardt (1977), assistant professor, assistant university librarian. B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.L.S., University of North Texas.

Mark O. Gilbertson, (1973), professor emeritus of philosophy. B.A., Augustana College (SD), M.A., Ph.D., University of Southern California.

Ana Maria Gonzalez Garcia (2003), retired professor of world languages and cultures. B.A> Escuela Normal Superior; M.A., University of Massachusetts; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts.

Jay H. Heizer (1988), professor emeritus of business administration. B.B.A., M.B.A., University of North Texas; Ph.D., Arizona State University.

Robert L. Hiner (1965), professor emeritus of psychology. B.A., Texas Christian University; M.A., Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin.

Judith Dykes Hoffmann, (2004), professor emeritus of business and economics. B.A., Texas Lutheran University, M.A., Texas State University, Ph.D., University of Texas Austin

Patrick Hsu (1985), professor of modern languages, director of information services, university librarian emeritus. B.A. National Cheng-Chi University; M.S.L.S., Western Michigan University.

Alan Lievens (1998) professor emeritus of Biology, B.S., St. Edwards University; M.D., University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston; Ph.D., Louisiana State University.

Jean-Pierre Météreau (1984), professor emeritus of English, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University.

Richard Milk (1985), professor emeritus of history. B.A., The University of Texas at Austin; M.A., California State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., Indiana University.

Billy D. Musgraves (1979), assistant professor emeritus of mathematics and computer science. B.S., West Texas State University; M.S., Stephen F. Austin State University, M.A., Texas State University.

John Nellermoe (1979), assistant professor of art. B.A., Concordia College-Moorhead; M.A., Wisconsin State University.

Luther Oelke (1975), director emeritus of church relations. B.S., TLU University; M.Div., Trinity Lutheran Seminary.

W. Preston Reeves (1965), professor emeritus of chemistry. B.S., M.A., Texas Christian University; Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin.

Martha Rinn (1990), professor emeritus, university librarian, director of academic grants, Luther W. and Ruth E. Sappenfield Chair in Library Science. B.A. Texas Lutheran University, M.L.I.S., University of Texas Austin.

L. Hernan Rivera (1986), professor emeritus of mathematics and computer science. Licenciado, University Mayor De San Andres LaPaz, Bolivia; M.A. University of Oregon; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University.

Juan Rodriguez (1981), Professor Emeritus of English and Communication Studies and Modern Languages. B.A., M.A., Texas Tech University.

Angelika Sauer (2000), professor emeritus of history, M.A., University of Augsburg Germany, Ph.D., University of Waterloo

Walter Seidenschwarz (1968), assistant professor emeritus of English and communication studies. B.S., TLU University; M.A., Eastern New Mexico University.

William G. Squires, Jr (1980), professor emeritus of biology and kinesiology. B.S., M.Ed., Texas State University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University.

Jack R. Tennison (1970), associate professor emeritus of mathematics. B.S., M.S., East Texas State University.

Melanie G. Thompson (2003), professor emeritus of business administration, B.B.A., Corpus Christi State University; M.B.A., Texas A&M Corpus Christi)

Ronald Utecht (1985), professor emeritus of business administration. B.B.A., Baylor University; M.B.A., Ph.D., Arizona State University.

David Wasmund (1976), professor emeritus of chemistry. B.S., University of Washington; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University.

Thomas G. Wilkens (1968), professor emeritus of theology. B.A., Luther College;

B.D., Luther Seminary; Ph.D., University of Aberdeen, Scotland.

Anita F. Windecker (1950), professor emeritus of music. B.Mus., M.M., The University of Texas at Austin.

Kathryn M. Yandell (1962), professor emeritus of kinesiology. B.S., M.A., Texas Woman’s University; Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin.

Emeriti and Retired Staff

Cathy Anderson (1990), retired university nurse, B.A., B.S.N., University of Texas at Austin. R.N.

Stephen P. Anderson (1985), retired assistant to the president for administration and public affairs. B.A., Texas Lutheran University; M.A., Texas State University.

Richard Bailey (1997), senior computer programmer/analyst emeritus.

Jann Barber (1995), secretary emeritus, Langner Hall, B.A., Texas Lutheran University.

Raymond Beversdorf (1983), retired dispatcher.

Verlene Butler (1995), retired facility services staff.

Jean Constable, director of institutional reporting

Lisa Cradit (2001), retired director of academic support, B.A., East Texas State University, M.A., Texas State University.

Sharon Craig (1995), executive assistant to the president emeritus.

Becky Crouse (2000), retired help desk coordinator.

Mel Dixon, head women’s basketball coach

Thomas Dodgen (1979), director of physical plant emeritus.

Stephen J. Doerr (1974), retired director of retired and senior volunteer program, B.A., Texas Lutheran University.

Doris Engelhardt (1993), retired employment and benefits coordinator.

Guadalupe Garcia (1985), retired facility services staff.

James Garrett (1993), University Police Department and groundskeeper

Ginger Gibson (2000), retired assistant to the vice president for enrollment services.

Violet Glover (1978), admin. assistant to the assistant vice president for development and alumni relations emeritus.

Mitchell Gould (2000), retired senior programmer analyst

Kenneth R. Grimm (1992), retired facility services staff.

Carol Hamilton (1981), director emeritus of financial aid. B.S., Texas Lutheran University; M.Ed., Texas State University.

Kathryn Hartman (1984) retired secretary, Meadows Center

Gloria Herrera (1999), retired custodian

Janet Hill (1993), administrative assistant to the vice president for academic affairs emeritus.

Hellen Hillert (1989), retired secretary, registration and records.

Becky Hruza, administrative assistant

Craig Hunt (2008) retired groundskeeper

G.P. Kiel (1997), associate vice president for development emeritus. B.S. Texas Lutheran University; M.A., Texas State University.

Monica Hinson (2001), retired marketing communications coordinator. B.S. State University of New York at Oswego.

Judy Johnson (1990), retired secretary, athletics.

Dora Luna (1985), retired accounts payable coordinator.

Helen Martin (1978), retired library technician in serials & secretary.

John T. Masterson (1999) executive vice president and provost emeritus. A.B., The College of Wooster; M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of Denver.

Frances McClinton (1985), retired facility services staff.

Stanley Meyer (2013), retired director of church relations, D.M., Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

Gil Merkle (1997), chief information systems officer emeritus. B.S., U.S. Air Force Academy; M.S., Southern Methodist University.

Marie Paiz (1999), retired assistant registrar. B.A., Texas Lutheran University; M.A., St. Mary’s University.

Ron Perkins (1993), retired preventive maintenance technician.

Terry Price (2002), retired executive director of conferences and event marketing.

Harold Sager (1969) vice president for principal gifts emeritus. B.A., Texas Lutheran University; M.Div., Luther Seminary.

Carol Skogman (1971), retired financial aid secretary. B.S., Dana College.

Elmer Soefje (1989), retired facility services staff.

Kathryn Tennison (1981), retired community life secretary.

Lana Urbanek (1983), retired director of auxiliary services. B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.A. Mankato State University.

Andy Vasquez (2005), retired associate vice president for human resources and risk management. B.A. University of Texas.

Carl Weden (1986), retired director of development. B.B.A., Texas Lutheran University.

Terry A. Weers, (1995) retired director of counseling services and ADA coordinator. B.A., Texas Lutheran University; M.A., St. Mary’s University.

Wynona Wells (1980), retired postal services coordinator.

Kathy Wynn (1984), retired assistant director of auxiliary services.


(Full-time Teaching Faculty and Librarians)

Reza O. Abbasian, professor of mathematics. B.S., Abadan Institute of Technology; M.A., M.S., Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin. 1983-

H. David Baer, professor of theology and philosophy. B.A., Oberlin College; M.T.S., Emory University Candler School of Theology; M.A., Ph.D., University of Notre Dame. 2000-

Scott A. Bailey, professor of psychology, department chairperson of psychology, integrated science program director, honors program director. B.A., Southwestern University; M.S., Emporia State University; Ph.D., Kansas State University. 1994-

Elizabeth Barnett, associate professor of english and composition. B.A., University of Texas-Austin, MF.A., New York University, M.A., Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. 2024-

Amy M. Barrios, associate professor of education, B.A., Valdosta State University; M.Ed., American Intercontinental University; M.A., Gonzaga University; Ed.D., Baylor University. 2023-

Mary Elizabeth Barry, assistant professor of composition. B.A., University of Missouri-Columbia; M.F.A., Texas State University. 2002-

Cathy Ann Beicker, lecturer of mathematics. B.S., M.Ed., Texas State University.

Calvin J. Berggren, associate professor of physics, B.S., Texas A&M University, M.S., Ph.D., University of California-Berkeley, 2014-

Robin Bisha, professor of communication studies. B.A., University of South Florida; M.A., Indiana University and University of North Carolina; Ph.D., Indiana University. 2002-

Shirley Bleidt, associate professor of education, Jo Murphy Chair in Education. B.S., Texas A&I University; M.S., Texas A&M-Kingsville; Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi; Ed.D., Capella University. 2018-

Janelle Block, clinical professor of nursing. B.S., B.S.N., M.S.N., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, D.N.P, Concordia University-Milwaukee. 2015-

Steve W. Boehm, associate professor of sociology, department chairperson of political science, sociology and geography. B.A., Southern Illinois University; M.A.T., Southwest Texas State University. Ph.D., Texas State University. 2008-

Christopher M. Bollinger, professor of English and communication studies. B.S., Regis University; M.S., The University of Charleston; Ph.D., Bowling Green State University. 2005-

Collin P. Bost, assistant professor of composition; B.A., University of Texas Austin; M.F.A, Texas State University, 2009-

Douglas R. Boyer, professor and director, School of Music, Mary Gibbs Jones Chair in Choral Music. B.A., TLU University; M.M., The University of Texas at San Antonio; D.M.A., The University of Texas at Austin. 2001-

Alison Bray, associate professor of chemistry, department chairperson of chemistry. B.A., University of San Diego; M.S., Ph.D., University of New Hampshire. 2011-

Jesús S. Carmona, associate professor of business analytics, business analytics program director. B.S., Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey, M.S., Ph.D., Texas A&M International University. 2021-

Patrick A. Cereceres, assistant professor of kinesiology, Kieffer Kinesiology Fellow. B.S., University of Texas-Austin, M.S., Ph.D., University of Texas-El Paso. 2021-

Rebecca J. Clark, lecturer of mathematics, B.A., B.S., Texas Lutheran University; M.S., Texas State University. 2008 -

Sally Cook, professor of business, accounting program director, university liaison to SACSCOC, Elton Bohmann Professor in Business Administration in Accounting. B.B.A., M.T., University of Texas San Antonio; J.D., University of Texas Austin Law School. 1995-

Brian Coulombe, associate professor of athletic training, department chairperson of athletic training. B.S., California State University Sacramento; M.S., West Virginia University. 2000-

Michael L. Czuchry, professor of psychology. B.A., Colorado College; M.A., East Tennessee State University; Ph.D., Texas Christian University. 2006-

Jack D. Davidson, professor of philosophy. B.A., M.A., University of Washington; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst. 2009-

Karin Ariadne de Villa, associate professor of world languages and cultures. B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., Middlebury College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Málaga (Spain). 2016-

Mark C. Dibble, associate professor, interdisciplinary studies program director, instruction and public services librarian. B.A., Austin College; M.L.S., University of Illinois. 2004-

Kevin C. Eddy, assistant professor of biology. B.S., Purdue University, M.S., Ph.D., University of Texas, San Antonio. 2023-

Christopher Evans, assistant professor of dramatic media. B.F.A, University of Central Oklahoma; M.F.A., Yale University-School of Drama. 2022-

Daniel F. Flores, assistant professor and director of the Blumberg Memorial Library. B.A., Southeastern (College) University; M.A., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; Ph.D., M.Phil, Drew University; M.Div, Prrinceton Theological Seminary; M.S., Drexel University; M.Ed., Sam Houston State University. 2021-

Laura Galindo-Young, clinical professor of nursing. B.S.N., Lourdes College- Sylvania, OH; M.S.N., Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi. 2022-

Georgina Elizabeth Garcia, clinical professor of nursing. B.S.N., M.S.N., University of Texas-El Paso. 2017-2018, 2020-

Fernando A. Garza, Jr., associate professor of business, department chairperson of business and economics, Jesse H. Jones Chair in Business Administration. B.A., University of Texas Austin; Ph.D., University of Texas Pan American. 2012-

Wendi J. Gines, clinical professor of nursing. B.S.N., University of Texas-El Paso, M.S.N., Walden University, D.N.P, Samford University. 2020-

Philip D. Grace, associate professor of history, department chairperson of history B.A., Wheaton College; M.A., Western Michigan University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota. 2014-

Sharon Grant, associate professor of history and African-American studies, African-American studies program director. B.S., Texas Southern University-Houston; M.Div., Southern Methodist University- Perkins School of Theology; Ph.D., Southern Methodist University. 2023-

Danielle Grove, professor of biology. B.A., Northwestern University; Ph.D., Tufts University. 2010-

Mark Gustafson, professor of biology, environmental studies program director, national awards and scholarships director. B.A., Luther College; Ph.D., Duke University. 1997-

William G. Hager, professor of mathematics, director of academic assessment. B.S., University of Wisconsin Eau Claire; M.S., Ph.D., University of Iowa. 2010-

Celestial D. Hahn, visiting clinical professor of nursing. B.S.N, M.S.N., Western Governor’s University. 2020-

Casi R. Helbig, professor of kinesiology. Krost Life Enrichment program director, Dr. Frederick C. Elliott Chair in Health, Fitness, and Nutrition B.S., Stephen F. Austin State University; M.Ed., Texas State University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University. 2000-

Monica del Carmen Hernandez associate professor of business. B.B.A., Monterrey Technology Institute- Monterrey, Mexico; M.Ed., University of Texas-Pan American; Ph.D., University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley. 2023-

Rebecca Hicks, lecturer of accounting. B.B.A., M.Acc., Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi; M.A., University of Houston-Victoria. 2018-

Sam Hijazi, professor of computer science. B.S., Towson State University; M.A., Morgan State University; D.B.A., University of Sarasota. 2008-

Carl S. Hughes, associate professor of theology department chairperson of theology, philosophy, and classical languages, & Pastor Gerhard A. and Marion Poehlman Professor in Theology. B.A., St. Olaf College; M.T.S., Harvard Divinity School; Ph.D., Emory University. 2013-

Shannon Ivey, associate professor of dramatic media. B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.F.A., University of California Irvine. 2012-

Jacques Jean-Francois, assistant professor of chemistry, B.S., Laval University (Toronto); M.S., Ph.D., University of Quebec-Montreal. 2016-

Eliza Jeffords, associate professor School of Music, Anita Windecker Endowed Chair. B.M., Vanderbilt University, Blair School of Music; M.M. Indiana University, Jacobs School of Music; D.M.A., University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music. 2010-

Pamela Johnston, professor of English, academic grants program director. B.A., University of Idaho; M.A., Kansas State University; M.F.A., University of Iowa; Ph.D., University of Missouri Columbia. 2001-

Jeannette Jones, professor of education, department chairperson of education, masters in education program director, Helen I. Weiss Chair in Educational Leadership, B.S., Texas State University, M.A., University of Texas-San Antonio, M.Ed., University of Massachusetts, Ph.D., New Mexico State University, 2015-

Amanda Kaminski, assistant professor of theology; social innovation and social entrepreneurship program director; Hugo and Georgia Gibson Professor. B.A, Wheaton College, M.A., M.Div., Eastern University, Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union. 2020-

Timothy E. Kent, associate professor of athletic training, clinical coordinator for athletic training. B.A., Texas Lutheran University; M.S., West Virginia University. 2008-

Landa King, associate professor of art. B.F.A., M.A., West Texas State University; M.F.A., University of Texas San Antonio. 1989-

Amelia Koford, associate professor, outreach and information literacy librarian, director of women’s studies, student communication center assistant director,. B.A., Grinnell College; M.A., M.S., University of Texas Austin. 2012-

Donna S. Kubena, instructor of education, alternative certification program director, field experience and student teaching program director. B.S., M.Ed., Southwest Texas State University, 2013-

David Legore, professor of dramatic media, department chairperson of dramatic media. B.A., Texas Lutheran University; M.F.A., University of South Dakota. 1998-

Holly S. Lutze, associate professor of business. B.S., Oklahoma State University; M.S., Ph.D., Stanford University. 2012-

Stormy Malone, assistant professor of psychology. B.A., Texas A&M University-Commerce; M.A., University of North Dakota;  M.A., Ph.D., Wichita State University. 2023-

Stefanie Martinez, clinical professor of nursing. B.S.N., St. John Fisher College Wegmans School of Nursing, M.S.N., University of Texas-Arlington. 2023-

Monica Ann Matocha, associate professor of athletic training. B.S., Texas Lutheran University; M.Ed., Texas State University; D.A.T., University of Idaho. 2016-

Angela L. McElroy, clinical professor of nursing. B.S.N., University of Missouri, D.N.P, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. 2022-

Denise S. McNulty, clinical professor of nursing. B.S.N., Pennsylvania State University, M.S., New School for Social Research- Middletown, NY; M.S.N., Prairie View A&M University- College of Nursing; D.N.P, University of Texas-Tyler. .2022-

Patricia N. Meza, clinical professor of nursing. B.S.N., New Mexico State University, M.S.N., University of Maryland, Ph.D., University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio. 2024-

Anthony James Mitchell, assistant professor of business and accounting. B.S., Central Michigan University, M.B.A., Ed.D., University of Texas- San Antonio. 2024-

Jasmine Montenegro, lecturer of accounting. B.B.A., M.Acy., Texas Lutheran University. 2018-

James Newberry, professor of kinesiology, department chairperson of kinesiology. B.S., M.Ed., Texas State University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University. 2000-

Ridwan Rashid Noel, assistant professor of computer science and information systems. B.S., Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology; M.S., Ph.D., University of Texas at San Antonio. 2019-

William O’Brochta, assistant professor of political science. B.A., Hendrix College, M.A., Ph.D., Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri. 2023-

Joy Oche, clinical professor of nursing. B.S.N., Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, M.S.N., Northern Kentucky University. 2023-

Kyle David Olson, associate professor of art, department chairperson of visual arts. B.F.A., Midwestern State University; M.F.A., University of Nebraska. 2010-

Theophilus Teye Osah, assistant professor of business and finance. B.S., University of Ghana, M.S., Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Ph.D., University of Texas- Rio Grande Valley. 2024-

SungEun Park, assistant professor School of Music. B.M., Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary, M.M., Texas State University, D.M.A, University of Texas-Austin. 2024-

Mark W. Peacock, associate professor of business and economics, masters in business administration program director. B.S., Eastern Illinois University-Charleston, IL; J.D., Northern Illinois University College of Law- DeKalb, IL. 2022-

Luis G. Peñaranda, associate professor of education, interdisciplinary leadership program director. B.A., Life Bible College East- Christiansburg, VA; M.A., Azusa Pacific University-Azusa, CA; Ph.D., Regent University-Virginia Beach, VA. 2022-

Stephanie N. Perez, associate professor of biology, department chairperson of biology, Sidney Bohls Professor in Biology. B.S., Texas Lutheran University; Ph.D., University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio. 2013-

Betseygail Rand, professor of mathematics. B.S., University of Michigan; Ph.D., University of Texas Austin. 2006-

Brett A. Richardson, associate professor, School of Music; director of bands, School of Music; Baenziger Professor of Music. B.M., Stephen F. Austin State University; M.M., Texas A&M University, Commerce, D.M., Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. 2023-

Michael D. Ruane, associate professor of chemistry, FREX program director. B.S., University of Arizona; Ph.D., University of Wyoming. 2012-

Danna L. Salinas-Harrison, assistant professor of nursing. B.S.N, Stephen F. Austin State University, M.S.N., Ph.D., Texas Women’s University. 2014-

Toni D. Sauncy, professor of physics, department chairperson of physics. Harold T. Johnson Professor in Pre-Engineering. B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Texas Tech University. 2014-

Kathleen Seal, assistant professor of geography. B.S., M.S., Stephen F. Austin University, Ph.D., Texas State University. 2023-

Rodrick M. Shao, associate professor, instructional technology support, director of the center for teaching and learning. B.S., M.B.A., University of Concordia Wisconsin Mequon; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University. 2008-

Lauren Shook, assistant professor of English, Verner Gembler Fellow. B.A., M.S., Mississippi State University; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 2018-

Erika Deike Short, associate professor of kinesiology. B.S., Texas A&M University; M.S., Texas State University; Ph.D., Baylor University. 2012-

Tiffiny Lee Sia, professor of psychology, Lillie Krause Professor of Social Science. B.S., Linfield College; M.S., Ph.D., Texas Christian University. 2007-

John T. Sieben, professor of mathematics and computer science, data science program director. A.S., Donnelly College; B.S., M.S., University of Missouri Kansas City; M.S., Texas State University; Ph.D., University of Missouri Kansas City. 1980-

César S. Silva, assistant professor of Mexican- American studies, director of Mexican-American studies center. B.E.S.S., M.A., Texas State University; Ph.D., Arizona State University. 2023-

Avion Smith-Samms, clinical professor of nursing. B.S.N., University of West Indies-Knox Community College School of Nursing, M.S.N., Grand Canyon University. 2023-

Kelsey Spinnato, assistant professor of theology. B.A., Belmont University, M.T.S., Emory University, Ph.D., Southern Methodist University. 2024-

Sumeyra Tek, assistant professor of physics, Kieffer Science Fellow. B.S., M.S., Bilkent University-Ankara Turkey, Ph.D., University of Texas-San Antonio, 2022-

Corey Thompson, assistant professor of chemistry. B.S., University of Florida-Gainesville; Ph.D., Florida State University-Tallahassee. 2023-

Cecilia S. Trinidad, assistant professor of nursing. B.S.N., M.S.N., University of the Incarnate Word, Ph.D., Walden University. 2013-

Varela Mereles, Fernando M., assistant professor of Spanish. B.A., Florida Atlantic University; Ph.D., M.A., Vanderbilt University. 2021-

Kenneth R. Vaughan, assistant professor of sociology. B.A., M.S., University of Texas-San Antonio, M.A., Ph.D., Baylor University. 2023-

Steven Vrooman, professor of communication studies, department chairperson of communications, cultures, English and world languages, general education program director, student media director. B.A., Loyola Marymount University; M.A., Arizona State University Tempe; Ph.D., Arizona State University Hugh Downs School of Human Communication Tempe. 2000-

Germaine Paulo Walsh, professor of political science, international studies program director,. B.A., University of San Francisco; M.A. University of California, Santa Barbara; Ph.D., Fordham University. 1992-

Bryan S. Wilson, lecturer of biology. B.S., M.S., University of Texas San Antonio.2017-

Linda F. Wilson, professor of mathematics and computer science, department chairperson of mathematics, computer science and information systems. B.S., Duke University; M.S.E., Ph.D., University of Texas Austin. 2004-

Elizabeth A. Woods, associate professor of psychology. B.A., Texas A&M University, M.A., Ph.D., University of Houston. 2017-