Feb 14, 2025  
2024 - 2025 Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Catalog

Costs and Financial Assistance

Basic Costs

Basic costs to the students for the academic year are shown below:

Tuition Block Rate (12-18 hours) Hourly Rate*
All Undergraduate Majors $17,800 $1,175
Concurrent Degree Programs    
Master of Accountancy $17,800 $1,225
Master of Athletic Training $17,800 $1,225
Master of Business Analytics $17,800 $1,225
Master of Data Science $17,800 $1,225
*add to block rate for each hour over 18. Students enrolled in less than 12 credit hours per semester are charged the hourly rate times the number of hours registered.
Graduate Direct Entry Programs    
Master of Accountancy $17,800 $1,225
Master of Athletic Training $17,800 $1,225
Master of Business Admin $17,800 $675
Master of Business Analytics $17,800 $1,180
Master of Data Science $17,800 $1,180
Master of Education   $500
EdD Interdisciplinary Leadership   $850
Acclerated Nursing Programs    
Bachelor of Science in Nursing   $875
Master of Science in Nursing   $825
Post-Bac Teacher Certification Program   $370
Audit $100/credit hour
Music Fees  
One private lesson per week $250/semester
Two private lessons per week $500/semester
Nursing ATI Fee    
BSN (traditional & accelerated) $756.25/semester
MSN $605/semester
Student Services Fee $210/semester
Technology Fee $100/semester
Other Course Fees vary by course


Housing per Semester
Residence Halls Double Single Small Single
Centennial Hall $3,365 $5,890 N/A
Baldus $3,365 $5,890 $4,160
Clifton $3,365 $5,890 $4,160
Hahn Hall $2,390 N/A N/A
Knutson Hall $2,885 $5,050 $3,570
Trinity Hall (small) $2,970 $5,145 N/A
Trinity Hall (large) $3,420 $5,985 N/A
Seguin Hall $2,985 $5,220 N/A
Campus Apartments 4-Person 2-Person Single

Brandes, Kramer, Lange, Steger

(efficiency apartments #3-8)

$2,745 $5,190 N/A

Brandes, Kramer, Lange, Steger

(super single rooms only, must purchase meal plan A or B)

$3,145 N/A N/A

Brandes, Kramer, Lange, Steger

(full apartments #1-2)

$2,965 $5,190 N/A
Linne, Renger, Strunk $2,965 $5,190 N/A
Bogisch, Glazener N/A $2,350 $4,695


All full-time students, with limited exceptions, are required to live on campus for a minimum of 4 semesters. Priority is given to freshman and sophomore students. Other students may be housed on either an emergency or as available basis.


Meal Plans
Plan Per Semester (includes taxes) Dining Dollars Included (no additional charge)
Plan A: Carte Blanche $3,220 $150
Plan B: 15 Meals/week $2,810 $150
Plan C: 12 Meals/week $2,810 $250
Plan D: 40 Meals/semester $1,060 $450

Meal plans will appear on the billing statement as two charges. One for meal plan and one for taxes of 8.25%. Students residing in the residence halls must select from Meal Plans A, B, and C. Dining dollars may be used Lucky’s (TLU snack bar) to purchase food and beverages in the semester the meal plan is purchased. Students may change their selected meal plan during the first week of classes each semester without penalty. No changes may be made to meal plans after the drop/add date. All meal plan changes are made through the Office of Campus Living.


Special Fees

Except where indicated, these fees are charged to the student’s account at time of request/occurrence.

Career Planning Registration $25
General Deposit* $400
Housing Cancellation Fee $500
Housing Administration Fee $50
Late Registration for Fall and Spring $100
Late Registration for Summer $25
Official Transcript (paid at time of request) $7.25-$8.25
Payment Plan Fee (paid each semester at time of enrollment in plan) $50
Replacement Diploma $75
Replacement ID Card $25

*The general deposit is paid at the time the student confirms their intent to enroll. It serves as a security deposit while the student is enrolled and will be refunded after graduation or when the student withdraws from TLU.  It will first be applied to any remaining charges on the student’s account. Accelerated Nursing students and direct-entry graduate students will have their deposit applied to their first semester’s charges.


Additional Expenses

Additional expenses are estimated costs that student may incur but are not charged to the student account. Students can ask for an increase in the financial aid cost of attendance is needing help to cover these expenses. Increases in cost of attendance generally only make the student eligible for more loans as no additional scholarships are available for these costs.

All Students
Books: $500/semester
Background Check: $45
Convenience Fee: 2.7%
Payment Plan Fee: $50/semester
Pay Now Fee: $2
Nursing Students
Books: Jr Sem 1 $1,100, Jr Sem 2 $700, Sr Sem 1 $700, Sr Sem 2 $650
Castle Branch Clinical: $83 before starting program; $40 second year
CB Bridges: $40/sem (Seguin & New Braunfels campuses only)
CPR Training: $75
NCLEX Exam: $75
Pocket Nurse Tote: $160 (approximately)
SNA Membership: $10 annually
TEAS Test: $102/test (approximately)

The following additional expenses may be required for nursing students and the cost for each expense varies: boosters/immunizations/flu shots/Titers, physical exam, SNA national conference, uniforms and shoes, travel to/from clinical sites.


Payment Options

Students are billed each semester for tuition, fees, housing and meal plan (if applicable), and any fees associated with their class or program. Payment for these charges may be made by one of the following methods:

Payment in Full

Full payment may be made on or before the first payment deadline of each semester. First payment deadlines for the academic year are August 1 (fall) and January 2. After financial aid is subtracted from the charges, any remaining balance must be paid out-of-pocket if this option is selected.

Monthly Payment Plan

Payment of the net balance after financial aid has been applied may be made in four installments per semester as outlined below.


Date Due


% of Net Semester Balance

Traditional Programs

Accelerated Nursing







Aug 1

Jan 2

Sept 15

Jan 15



Sept 15

Feb 15

Oct 15

Feb 15



Oct 15

Mar 15

Nov 15

Mar 15



Nov 15

Apr 15

Dec 15

Apr 15

Students with balances remaining after the first payment deadline of each semester must enrolled in a payment plan. Cash and checks are accepted in Student Financial Services in the Beck Center.  Payments made with Visa, MasterCard, and Discover must be made online through myTLU.

Tuition & Fee Policy

Some or all instruction for all or part of the academic year may be delivered remotely or in a hybrid format. Tuition and mandatory fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be modified or refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely or via a hybrid model for any part of the academic year.  

We believe in the value of a Texas Lutheran University education and degree, whether in-person or remote, continues to greatly exceed tuition. Moreover, our costs to offer instruction, services, and infrastructure continue regardless of the method of instruction. We are also incurring additional costs for the actions we are taking to respond to the pandemic. As such, TLU does not refund tuition or fees because of changes to the method of instruction.

We continue to work with students and families who are in financial distress due to the coronavirus pandemic and encourage students to reach out if they need help. Please contact Student Financial Services for more information.

Tuition Refund Policy for Withdrawing

Students who withdraw from the university are refunded a portion of their tuition, class fees, housing, and meal plan charges if they complete an official withdrawal form with all appropriate signatures and return it to the Office of Registration and Records during the refund period. The student activity fee, technology fee, and private music lessons are non-refundable after first class day. E-books will be refunded at 100% only if the student opts out of the e-book by the deadline set for the class. Otherwise, e-books are non-refundable.

Reductions in charges for withdrawing from all classes during the fall or spring semester will be based on the following schedule:



Accelerated Nursing







Refund %

Full Term

Subterm 1

Subterm 2

Full Term

Subterm 1

Subterm 2


Before 8/27

Before 8/26

Before 10/28

Before 1/15

Before 1/17

Before 3/17

Before 9/23

Before 1/27

Before 6/2
































After 9/17

After 9/1

After 11/3

After 2/5

After 1/25

After 3/23

After 10/11

After 2/14

After 6/20

* Subject to change

Students who reduce the number of credit hours they are attempting are refunded a portion of their tuition if written notification is received. The refund is based on the following calculation:

Tuition based on old hours (14)


Less tuition based on new hours (11)

$1,175 x 11 = $12,925

Times the % from refund schedule above based on date of drop

(8/24/23 = 75% for full-term class)

($17,800 - $12,925) x 75%

Equals tuition refund

= $3,656.25

Important Notice for Recipients of Financial Assistance

In accordance with federal, state and university guidelines, students who receive financial assistance and withdraw from any or all of their coursework may have some or all of the assistance returned to the original funding sources. As a result, students who withdraw may owe a balance to the university. Please refer to the “Refund Policy for Financial Aid” in this section of the catalog for more information on how withdrawing affects your financial aid award and refund.

Institutional and state financial aid will be reduced by the same percentage that is used in the calculation of your tuition and fee refund.

Withdrawing from the university will not absolve you of responsibility for your educational expenses. Any unpaid balances owed to the university will be subject to late penalty fees and assignment to a collection agency.

Financial Obligations

A student who applies and is admitted to Texas Lutheran University assumes a definite financial obligation. It is expected that the student or his/her parents or guardian will comply with provisions of this section of the catalog relative to payment of student accounts.

A student who is regularly enrolled and has made payments in full or executed a university approved payment contract is entitled to all the privileges of attending classes, taking examinations, receiving grade reports, securing course credit, graduating and, where applicable, living on campus and eating in the cafeteria.

Any student who is delinquent in a financial obligation to Texas Lutheran University including special fees and fines is subject to exclusion from any or all of the usual privileges of the university. Graduation may be denied, and the student’s permanent record will not be released until the outstanding balance is paid in full.

Student Financial Assistance

At Texas Lutheran University, earnings from endowments coupled with generous gifts from alumni, friends, churches and foundations help reduce expenses so that charges assessed represent only about 75 percent of the cost of a student’s education. In addition to offering quality education at less than cost, TLU offers a comprehensive aid program that lowers the actual cost of attending TLU. Scholarships, grants, loans and employment opportunities enable TLU to recognize outstanding students regardless of financial need and assist those whose own limited resources would preclude their participation in the TLU experience.

To be considered for any form of need-based financial aid a student must complete the online Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at studentaid.gov. The FAFSA is required for each award year and becomes available on October 1. Priority deadline is January 15th each year for the following year. Once a student’s eligibility is determined, the Student Financial Services department will generate a financial aid package that may include institutional, federal, or state aid offers.

Texas Lutheran University awards scholarship aid to students enrolled full time (12 semester hours or more). Institutional scholarships are tuition specific awards. Total institutional funds will not exceed the cost of TLU tuition. Graduating students in their final semester are eligible to receive their institutional awards based on a prorated amount not to exceed the cost of TLU tuition for the final semester. Students who are enrolled at least half time may be eligible for need-based federal aid.

Students may lose some or all financial aid if they withdraw from TLU, drop below full-time status or fail to complete all courses successfully (see “Financial Aid Refund Policy”).

Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress (see “Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards” in this section) to be eligible for financial assistance of any kind.

Texas Lutheran University awards financial assistance without regard to race, sex, religion or national origin.

Specific questions concerning all forms of financial assistance should be addressed to Student Financial Services, Texas Lutheran University, 1000 W. Court Street, Seguin, Texas 78155 or may be sent to studentfinancialservices@tlu.edu. Brochures, forms and procedural instructions are available upon request.

Financial Assistance Available


A range of TLU academic scholarships are awarded based on high school academic performance and standardized test scores. Academic scholarships are awarded based on full-time, undergraduate enrollment and will cover eight semesters of full-time academic study. To ensure renewal, students must maintain Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of each academic year. TLU scholarships and grants are applied toward fall and spring tuition only, and are not available for summer study. Scholarships are merit-based gift aid and are partially funded through endowed scholarship funds and annual donations (see Appendix XII). Total TLU scholarship and grant assistance may not exceed tuition.

Presidential Award - minimum of $25,000 per year
Academic Excellence Award (AEA) - minimum of $22,000 per year
Heritage Award - minimum of $20,000 per year
ACT/SAT Award - $1,000 to $3,000 per year

Grant and scholarship aid (federal, state and external), when combined with TLU awards, loans and work-study awards, may not exceed the cost of attendance for the year you are applying. All academic scholarships awarded at TLU are determined based on academic performance in high school and SAT/ACT scores. Scholarships are renewable for up to three years as long as the student meets renewal criteria and remains enrolled full time.

Transfer Scholarships

Transfer scholarships are awarded based on cumulative GPA from all institutions attended. Transfer academic scholarships are only available to students admitted as transfers and are based on full-time enrollment.

Transfer Academic Excellence Award - $9,000 to $17,000 per year
Phi Theta Kappa - $3,000 per year - proof of PTK membership is required

Performance Scholarships

Jones Fine Arts Award for Music Majors - Up to $7,500 per year
Jones Fine Arts for Dramatic Media Majors - Up to $7,500 per year
Performance Awards for Non-Majors - Up to $3,000 per year

Performance awards provide artistic and cultural recognition for outstanding musical and dramatic media performance to those students in any major field of study who demonstrate a meaningful contribution to the life of the university through participation in performance ensembles while they are pursuing a baccalaureate degree. Performance awards are given in the areas of band, choir, strings, piano, solo vocal performance, organ and dramatic media.

This scholarship will cover eight semesters of full-time academic study. Recipients must also maintain a 2.00 CGPA. Auditions are required and must be scheduled in advance. If interested in auditioning for these scholarships, contact:

  • Doug Boyer, Director, School of Music, 830-372-6869, dboyer@tlu.edu
  • David Legore, Chair, Dramatic Media Department, 830-372-6021

Participation Awards

Community Impact Scholarship - Up to $1,000 per year

Students demonstrating outstanding leadership through a variety of campus and community service activities may be invited to apply for this scholarship. To be eligible for renewal, the student must actively demonstrate leadership and service within the TLU and Seguin communities.

Publications Award - Up to $3, 500 per year

Students interested in serving as editor or a major officer of TLU student media or other student publication may apply for this award.

Athletic Training - Up to $2,000 per year

Students accepted into the Master of Athletic Training (MAT) program receive this scholarship and must comply with all policies and requirements of the program. Students interested in working toward a career in Athletic Training may contact Brian Coulombe at 830-372-8133 or bcoulombe@tlu.edu for information on application requirements of the MAT program.

TLU Grants

Grants are gift aid, generally based on financial need unless otherwise specified. All require full-time enrollment and recipients must remain in good academic standing to receive the award for up to 8 semesters.

Legacy Award - Up to $1,000

Awarded to full-time students who are dependents of TLU Alumni. The parent must have completed at least 24 credit hours at TLU.

Lutheran Clergy Grant - Up to $1,000

Awarded to full-time students who are dependent children of Lutheran Clergy.

Lutheran Advantage Scholarship - Up to $1,000

Incoming freshmen and transfer students who denote their membership in a Lutheran church on their application for admission and who meet academic criteria for an academic scholarship are eligible for this scholarship in the amount of $1,000. This scholarship is renewable for up to four additional years provided the student maintains a cumulative 2.0 GPA at TLU.

Federal and State Grants

Students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for need-based grants and loans from federal, state and institutional sources. A student’s total financial aid award package (e.g. grants, scholarships, work study, loans) cannot exceed the cost of attendance for each award year. TLU awards and state grants are capped at tuition.

Federal Pell Grant. For undergraduate students only. Eligibility is based on need as determined by the federal government and funding levels approved by Congress. The maximum award for the 2024-25 academic year is $7,395.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG). For undergraduate students only. Funds are available to students who show high financial need and are eligible for the Pell Grant. TLU receives a limited amount of these funds each year to award to students.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant. TEACH Grant funds are available to students who intend to teach in a public or private, elementary or secondary school that serves students from low-income families. Grants are awarded up to $4,000 per year for a maximum of four years and can be used to replace the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Students who receive a TEACH Grant but do not complete the required teaching service will be required to repay the grants as a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan. Interest will be charged from the date of each TEACH Grant disbursement.

TLU has been approved to offer TEACH Grants effective October 30, 2008. Students who have been accepted into the Teacher Education Program and who plan to teach in Bilingual Education, Math or Science may be eligible to receive the TEACH Grant if they meet the following criteria:

  1. Scored in the 75th percentile or higher on the SAT or ACT or have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25
  2. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
  3. U.S. citizen or an eligible non-citizen.
  4. Sign a TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve (ATS).
  5. Complete TEACH Grant counseling each academic year.

For more information, visit studentaid.gov.

Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG). For undergraduate students only. Funds are available to Texas residents who are determined to have high financial need. The maximum award for 2024-2025 is $3,350. Recipients must demonstrate significant financial need, maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.50, earn at least 24 semester credit hours each academic year, and successfully complete 75% of enrolled credits each year to maintain eligibility.


Federal Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans. These loans are available to students enrolled at least half time. Borrowing levels for the academic year are:

  Subsidized Unsubsidized
    Dependent Independent
Freshman $3,500 $2,000 + $4,000
Sophomore $4,500 $2,000 + $4,000
Juniors and Seniors $5,500 $2,000 + $5,000
Graduate     $20,500

Subsidized Federal Direct Loans are based on financial need. The federal government pays the interest on subsidized loans for students as long as they remain enrolled at least half time. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans are available to students but are not based on financial need. Students are responsible for the interest on unsubsidized loans while they are in school and may either pay the interest quarterly or choose to have the interest deferred until repayment, at which time the interest accrued while they were in school is added to the principal balance.

Repayment begins 6 months after the student graduates or leaves school. Lifetime borrowing limits for dependent students is $23,000 in Subsidized loans and $31,000 combined between Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans. Lifetime borrowing limits for independent students is $23,000 in Subsidized loans and $57,500 combined between Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans. The lifetime limit for graduate students is $138,500.

Federal Direct PLUS Loans (Parent and Graduate). The Federal Direct PLUS Loan allows credit-worthy parents or graduate students to borrow the difference between the COA and total financial aid received by the student. Graduate students without an adverse credit history may borrow up to the $20,500 less other financial aid. Parents of dependent students without an adverse credit history may borrow up to the COA less other financial aid.

Repayment of this loan generally beings within 60 days after the final loan disbursement of the academic year. However, parents and students can request a deferment. Additional information can be found online at studentaid.gov.

Alternative Loans. Many private lenders offer loan programs that can be used to help cover education expenses that are not covered by a student’s financial aid package. Typically, these loans are credit based and are more expensive than federal student loans. Students may be required to obtain a credit worthy cosigner. Additional alternative loan program information can be found on www.elmselect.com.


Part-time jobs are available to students who are in good academic standing. Preference is given to students with financial need, but particular job skills and department referral occasionally take precedence. Normally, students work six to ten hours per week and are paid bi-weekly.

Federal Work-Study. This is a federal program awarded on the basis of need. Eligible students will have a Federal Work-Study award on their financial aid award letters. Students cannot earn more than the amount they are awarded per semester.

Texas College Work-Study. This is a state program for students that are residents of Texas who demonstrate financial need. Eligible students will have a Texas College Work-Study award on their award letters. Students cannot earn more than the amount they are awarded per semester.

The student’s official enrollment status will be determined based on the 12th official class day.

Financial Aid Refund Policy

Students are encouraged to meet with the Office of Student Financial Services before changing enrollment by dropping a class or starting the withdrawal process so that they can be informed of the financial impact of withdrawing from college. Students who wish to drop a class or begin the official withdrawal process during the first week of class may do so on MyTLU. After the first week of class, students must contact the Office of Registration and Records to obtain either a drop/add slip or a withdrawal form. A student is considered to have officially dropped a class or withdrawn from TLU once the student has obtained all the required signatures and has returned the completed form to the Office of Registration and Records.

Note: The withdrawal date is determined by the date the student signs the withdrawal form, indicating his or her intent to withdraw from TLU. Should the student decide not to withdraw at that point in the semester but later withdraws or fails all of his or her classes, the official withdrawal date reverts back to the date on the first form that was completed.

A student’s enrollment status will be determined based on enrollment on the census date each term. Once enrollment status has been determined, financial aid will be reviewed. If a student’s enrollment status is different than that at which he or she was awarded, his/her financial aid will be adjusted accordingly. For example: Institutional aid and state grants requiring full-time enrollment will be cancelled and Federal Pell Grants will be adjusted for the new enrollment status. Loans will be cancelled if the student is enrolled less than half-time (6 credit hours).

Note: A student awarded a Federal Pell Grant MUST begin attendance in all classes to be eligible for disbursement of the Pell Grant award.

If a student drops a class after the census date, institutional aid may be reduced - see Institutional Aid Policy - but federal and state grants will not be adjusted. However, Federal Direct loans require at least half-time enrollment to be re-certified at the time of disbursement. As a result, students who drop below 6 credit hours (half-time) before the loan is disbursed will not be eligible for the loan disbursement.

Below are definitions that will help you understand the financial aid refund policy:

  • Census Date: The 12th class day of a fall or spring term and the third day of the term for May and summer sessions.
  • Drop: Student completes official paperwork to cancel enrollment in a class.
  • Drop Fail: Professor completes paperwork to cancel enrollment in a class for a student due to the student no longer attending the class.
  • EFC: Expected Family Contribution
  • Official Withdrawal: The student officially notifies the Office of Registration and Records that s/he is cancelling enrollment in all of the classes for which s/he has registered for in a given semester.
  • Unofficial Withdrawal: The student stops attending classes, receives all F’s in his/her courses, is Drop Failed from all of his/her classes or a combination of the above.
  • Withdrawal Date: The date the student officially began the withdrawal process in the Office of Registration and Records OR in the case of an unofficial withdrawal, the last date of attendance or the 50% point of the semester, whichever is later.
  • Last Date of Attendance:
    1. For students who officially withdraw, this will be the date of withdrawal.
    2. For students that fail all classes due to non-attendance, this will be the date recorded by the professor for the class. If a date is not provided by the professor, the last date of attendance will be the 50% point of the semester.

Once enrollment status has been determined, financial aid will be reviewed. If the student’s enrollment status is different than when initially awarded, financial aid will be adjusted accordingly. Institutional aid and state grants requiring full-time enrollment will be cancelled. Federal Pell Grants will be adjusted according to the new enrollment status.

If a student drops a class after census date, institutional aid may be reduced (see Institutional Aid Policy), but federal and state grants will not be adjusted. However, federal loans require enrollment to be recertified at time of disbursement. Federal regulations state that if a student drops below half time or withdraws prior to loan disbursement, the loan may not be disbursed.

Institutional Aid Policy

When a student withdraws from the university, adjustments to a student’s financial aid may be required according to the university’s institutional refund policy. Students who completely withdraw from all classes prior to the 16th day of class, may be eligible for a partial refund of tuition charges. TLU institutional aid is adjusted according to the percentage refund schedule set by the Registrar’s Office. In no case will a student receive institutional funds in cash. Scholarships and other institutional aid may be rescinded.

Federal Aid Policy (R2T4)

Federal regulations require Texas Lutheran University to have a Return to Title IV (R2T4) policy to address the treatment of federal financial aid in instances of a student’s complete withdrawal from the university. Under the R2T4 policy, Student Financial Services is required to perform a R2T4 calculation to determine the amount of federal funds that a student may be eligible to retain due to the student’s complete withdrawal.

Students who withdraw from all classes prior to the 60 percent point of the term and who receive Title IV federal financial aid may owe a refund of aid received.

Federal financial aid is earned on a proportional basis for each day of the term that the student has completed. If a student completes 30 percent of the term, then 30 percent of the federal financial aid has been earned. If the financial aid has been credited to the student’s account and has paid institutional charges only, 70 percent of the aid must be returned to the federal financial aid programs. Federal funds are returned to the programs in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Loan
  3. Federal PLUS Loan (Parent or Graduate Student)
  4. Federal Pell Grant
  5. Iraq/Afghanistan Service Grant
  6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG).
  7. TEACH Grant

If financial aid created a credit on the student’s account that was then refunded to the student, the student will be required to repay 50 percent of any unearned grant amount. If the credit balance was created by a loan disbursement, the student will be required to repay the lender the amount of the loan as per the terms of the signed promissory note.

Example 1: Joe was awarded federal grants totaling $3,000 and received Federal Direct Loan funds of $2,500. Joe was registered full time, lived in Seguin Hall and had meal plan B. His total institutional charges are $21,985 for the semester.

If Joe withdraws at the 30 percent point in the semester, he will have earned $1,650 of the $5,500 awarded. 70 percent of the $5,500 or $3,850 must be returned to the federal programs. TLU will return the $2,500 Federal Direct Loan to the lender and $1,350 of the federal grants. Because Joe withdrew during week five of the term, he does not get a refund of tuition, room or board.

Assuming Joe had a zero balance on his student account at the time of withdrawal, he will be required to pay TLU $3,850.

Example 2: Joe was awarded federal grants totaling $3,000 and received Federal Direct Loan funds of $2,500. Joe was registered fulltime, lived in Seguin Hall and had meal plan B. His total institutional charges are $21,895. Joe withdrew at the 50 percent point of the term. Only 50 percent of the $5,500 or $2,750 is considered earned. TLU would return the $2,500 Federal Direct loan to the lender and $250 of the federal grants. Assuming Joe had a zero balance on his student account at the time of withdrawal, he will be required to repay to TLU $2,750.

Although financial aid must be returned to the federal programs as prescribed by federal regulations, the TLU Institutional Charges Refund Policy does not refund institutional charges at the same percentages. Students will be required to pay TLU for any balances owed after the institutional charges, refunds, and financial aid refunds have been calculated.

If part of the balance owed to TLU is the repayment of a federal grant, TLU has 30 days to notify the student of the balance owed. The student has 45 days to either repay the funds or make satisfactory payment arrangements with Student Financial Services. Students who fail to repay the funds within 45 days will have a hold placed on their student account. Student will not be allowed to register or received financial aid until the hold is cleared or satisfactory payment arrangements have been made.

Time Frame

TLU will notify the student after an R2T4 calculation has been completed if there is a change in their federal financial aid.

TLU must return funds to the federal programs within 45 days after determining the student has withdrawn.

If a student is eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement, that disbursement will be made within 14 days of the calculation.

If, after the R2T4 calculation is completed, the student has a credit balance remaining on their account, TLU will disburse the credit within 14 days of the calculation being completed.

Students are encouraged to meet with Student Financial Services before the withdrawal process has started so that they can be informed of the financial impact of withdrawing from college.

State Grant Aid Policy

When a student withdraws from all classes tuition will be refunded according to the university’s institutional charges refund policy. The Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) is tuition restricted. If a student withdraws or drops a class after census date, TEG will only be adjusted if TEG plus institutional grants and scholarship are greater than tuition.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

The United States Department of Education (Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended) requires that students maintain satisfactory progress toward completing their degree in order to receive financial aid. Student Financial Services is required to check three standards: quantitative (pace of progression), qualitative (GPA), and maximum time frame for receiving aid.

These standards, known as Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), apply to a student’s entire degree program, including semesters (fall, spring, and summer) in which financial aid was not applied for or disbursed. SAP governs eligibility for students to establish or maintain aid eligibility for all federal, state and institutional financial aid programs including grants, scholarships, student and parent loans, and work-study. Many private loans also require the student to be meeting SAP.

TLU Student Financial Services reviews all three standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of each semester (fall, spring, and summer) for all students using financial aid. All summer terms combine to create one summer semester for financial aid purposes.

Quantitative Standards (Pace of Progression)

Students must successfully complete a minimum of 67% of all credit hours attempted. After grades are posted each semester, a student’s cumulative credit hours successfully completed (earned) will be divided by the cumulative credit hours attempted to determine the completion rate.

Completed (earned) Credits: Successfully completed credits include grades of A, B, C or D (including plus or minus) and credits taken pass/fail, in which a P was earned. Unsuccessful grades consist of F, W, I, classes taken for audit, or any other grade that does not result in completed credits. Credits earned by examination will be considered completed credits. Note: A grade of D is not considered a passing grade for graduate programs and is not counted as completed credit.

Attempted Credits: All credit hours for which a student registers at TLU, those transfer credits that count toward the TLU degree, and credit hours earned by examination are included in attempted credits. Grades of I or W will count as hours attempted, but not completed. If incompletes are later completed, they will be reflected when progress is checked, or sooner, at the student’s request.

Transfer Credits: Transfer credits that apply to a student’s TLU degree are included in both the credits attempted and the credits earned when calculating the completion percentage. Credits received for remedial courses or for courses that are not applicable to the student’s TLU degree are not included in either credits attempted or earned.

Repeated Courses: Courses that are retaken to improve a grade are counted in attempted hours each time the course is taken but only once toward the credit hours earned in the completion rate. Students may retake a class for which they have previously received a grade of “F” as many times as it takes to successfully complete the class. However, students may only repeat a class one time in which they have received a passing grade. After one allowable time, the student cannot use federal assistance for future repeats.

Part-time Students: Cumulative GPA requirements are the same as for full-time students. The number of semesters required to complete the program will depend on the hours registered. Students must successfully complete the majority of the credit hours attempted each semester and maintain a 67% cumulative completion rate.

Second Degree Students: Officially accepted credits that apply to the degree program will count toward both credit hours attempted and credit hours earned.

Qualitative Standards (GPA)

Undergraduate students admitted to TLU must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA as follows:

Credit Hours Earned GPA
  Fewer than 27 1.8
  27+ or after the 4th regular semester 2.0

Second Degree, Teacher Certification, and Graduate students must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA.

NOTE: Students receiving a Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5, earn a minimum of 24 credit hours per academic year, and successfully complete 75% of the credit hours for which they enroll each academic year to be eligible for renewal.

Maximum Time Frame for Eligibility

Federal Aid Standards: Federal regulations govern the maximum length of time a student may receive federal aid. This timeframe is defined as 150% of the scheduled length of the program. For example, students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in an academic program requiring 124 credit hours may attempt up to 186 credit hours (150% of 124 is 186 hours). For transfer students, the number of transfer credit hours accepted at the point of admission to TLU will be used to calculate the student’s remaining eligibility for the 150% maximum timeframe calculation. Second undergraduate degree students will have the previous degree’s accepted credit hours applied toward the student’s current degree and used in the 150% maximum time frame calculation.

Financial Aid Academic Progress Status

Financial Aid Warning: Students will be sent a warning if they fail to meet either the completion rate, minimum cumulative GPA standard as outlined, or are approaching their program’s maximum timeframe. Students will be placed on warning for one semester during which they must come into compliance with the standard. Students not meeting SAP at the end of the warning semester will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension.

Financial Aid Suspension: Students who fail to meet the standards at the end of their warning semester will be ineligible for financial aid beginning with the next semester of attendance. (See Appeals to Regain Eligibility.)

Students receiving grades of “F” or “D” (graduate programs only) in all courses attempted in any semester will be automatically ineligible for financial aid regardless of whether the student had received a financial aid warning.

Students who pre-register for a subsequent semester before grades are evaluated and who use a financial aid estimate to defer tuition and fees are responsible for the semester’s balance if they do not maintain satisfactory academic progress and have been disqualified from financial aid once grades are posted and reviewed.

A student who is disqualified from financial aid more than one time for failure to meet these standards must meet with a financial aid counselor to discuss plans for reestablishing financial aid eligibility. Unless there are extenuating circumstances, a student in this category should expect to enroll for at least 12 credit hours without financial aid at TLU and successfully pass all courses with a minimum of a 2.0 GPA to be reconsidered for financial aid.

Students are responsible for maintaining awareness of their SAP status for aid renewal whether or not they receive the official notifications. Student Financial Services is not responsible for address changes that are not reported or for problems with postal mail or email delivery.

Correcting Academic Deficiencies

It is important to remember that grade deficiencies can only be corrected at TLU, but credits to correct a deficiency in credit hours earned can be taken elsewhere and transferred to TLU through arrangement with the Registrar’s Office. Students may request a review of their progress when a grade is changed, regardless of when that change occurs.

Appeals to Regain Eligibility

A student who fails to meet these standards and loses eligibility for financial aid may appeal this decision. Appeals must be in writing and must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation. In the appeal, the student must explain why s/he was not making progress and what has changed so that s/he will begin making progress. Appeals should be submitted to Student Financial Services at least three (3) weeks before the beginning of the student’s next semester of attendance to allow time for processing. Appeals will be approved or denied in writing via email. The student is limited to two appeals.

Reasons that may be acceptable for appeal are: 1) serious illness or accident affecting the student; 2) death, accident or serious illness in the student’s immediate family; 3) change in academic program; 4) or other serious extenuating circumstances.

If approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation for one semester and aid will be granted. If the student cannot meet SAP by the end of the probationary semester, the student must complete and submit to Student Financial Services a SAP Academic Plan that shows how and when the student will be meeting SAP.

If denied, the student may choose to enroll without using financial aid in an effort to repair the SAP deficiencies. Students may request a review of their record following any semester. If the SAP standards are met at the time of review, financial aid eligibility may be regained for subsequent semesters of enrollment that year.

State SAP Policy

State regulations require the student to meet certain conditions for the renewal of his/her Tuition Equalization Grants (TEG). Students receiving TEG funds are required to meet TLU SAP standards at the end of their first year of studies at TLU (refer to Academic Standing policy). Students receiving TEG funds are required to meet State SAP requirements (listed below) at the end of their second year.

  • Must earn a minimum of 24 credit semester hours during the academic year
  • Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50
  • Must successfully complete 75% or more of the credit hours for which they register each academic year.

Students failing to meet State SAP requirements will have the opportunity to submit a financial aid appeal. The student must submit a detailed appeal letter explaining their situation, provide supporting documentation, and must meet at least one of the hardships listed below:

The hardships listed below will require the student to submit an appeal explaining their situation and providing documentation when appropriate.

  • A student who experiences a serious accident, illness or medical condition that prevents the student from attending class and/or completing a semester which results in the student not being able to meet renewal requirements.
  • A student who experiences a serious accident, illness or death in the immediate family that prevents the student from attending class and/or completing a semester which results in the student no being able to meet renewal requirements.
  • Other situations determined by Student Financial Services as documented by the student. Examples may include military deferments and other situations unforeseen at this time.

The following hardships are automatic and do not require an appeal.

  • December graduate from high school who immediately enrolls in college. TLU has determined it is a hardship for a student who graduates from high school in December immediately preceding spring enrollment at TLU to earn a minimum of 24 credit hours by the end of the academic year. For example, a student graduates from high school in December 2020 and begins enrollment at TLU in January 2021 (Spring 2021). Students who graduate in December but postpone college until another academic year are not included as part of this hardship based on state policy.
  • A graduating senior enrolled less than full-time during their final regular semester. This pertains to a student in their graduating semester that enrolls at least half-time but is not required to enroll full-time to graduate. This student would be eligible to receive a prorated award.


Academic Year: Includes fall, spring and summer. At TLU, the academic year for financial aid runs from August to July.

First-time freshman: A student who has not attended college after graduating high school before attending TLU.

Regular semester: A regular semester includes a fall or spring semester.

Immediate family: include biological or stepparent, grandparent and siblings. Immediate family may include another person not previously mentioned, such as a legal guardian, if the student lives with this person.