Feb 14, 2025  
2024 - 2025 Catalog 
2024 - 2025 Catalog

Academic Procedures

The following procedures and policies ensure that the student receives the best possible education. The Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA) is the official representative of Texas Lutheran University in matters pertaining to the scholastic life of the student body. Regulations made by the VPAA in addition to, in abrogation of, or in the interpretation of the following procedures and policies have the same force as the policies themselves. In case of discrepancy between the TLU catalog and other publications or academic information provided by any staff or faculty member other than the VPAA, the catalog takes precedence.

Registration Procedures

Completion of registration is regarded as a student pledge to comply with university regulations. An officially registered student is one who has obtained the necessary approvals, registered for courses, and has settled all charges with Student Financial Services. All students are expected to register on the days specified in the academic calendar. Although students may register for a short period after the semester begins, registration is encouraged at the regularly scheduled time. Late registrants are subject to an additional fee. No student will be allowed to register after the first week of classes. The registration process includes the following steps:

Academic Advising

Each student is assigned a faculty academic advisor prior to registration. The FREX 134 instructor serves as the advisor for first year students for the fall semester. Otherwise, students are advised by a full-time professor in the student’s major area of interest. Undecided students are assigned to a faculty advisor who will work with the students to explore possible majors and career options. Although full responsibility lies with the student, faculty advisors will assist in the structuring of a satisfactory degree plan and semester course schedules, and advisors are available for general guidance and academic counseling. Students are encouraged to arrange a regular schedule of meetings with their advisors throughout the semester. Students can change their advisor by completing the Change of Major and/or Advisor form located on the Advising Support page under the Student Affairs tab on mt.tlu.edu.


For students currently enrolled, registration for the next term takes place during the period specified in the registration instructions. Freshmen and transfer students may register in the summer at a Bulldog Basics session scheduled by the Office of Admissions.


Registered students must check-in at the beginning of each semester and must complete financial arrangements. Students who do not check-in will have their schedules deleted.

Schedule Changes

A student may add a course with the approval of the advisor only during the schedule change period as published in the academic calendar. A student may drop a course during this period without the course appearing on the student’s record.

A student may withdraw from a course during the first ten weeks of a semester or during the first week of a summer session. Courses can be withdrawn only with the approval of the advisor and the instructor. The schedule change becomes effective on the day that the approved schedule change form is filed with the Office of Registration and Records. The student is given a grade of “W” for each withdrawn course.

Withdrawal from the University

A student who finds it necessary to withdraw entirely from Texas Lutheran University must file a completed withdrawal form with the Office of Registration and Records. The procedure requires the student to meet with his or her academic advisor as well as various administrative offices. Any student withdrawing without following the appropriate procedure is subject to a grade of “F” in each course. A student who withdraws from Texas Lutheran University according to the correct withdrawal procedure after the published deadline for the term or subterm shall receive course grades of “WP” (withdrew passing) or “WF” (withdrew failing), as determined by the instructor.

Readmission to the University

Readmission for students who withdraw from Texas Lutheran University is not automatic. The procedure for seeking readmission depends on the student’s academic status at the time of withdrawal.

A student who was in good academic standing when he/she withdrew from the university must file an application for reinstatement at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the term. Applications are available in the Office of Registration and Records or online.

A student who was on academic probation when he/she withdrew from the university must submit an application for readmission to the Admissions, Advising and Academic Standards (AAA) Committee through the Office of Registration and Records at least three weeks prior to the beginning of the term. The AAA Committee will review the application, the previous work at Texas Lutheran University, activities since leaving the university and prospects for the successful completion of a program. The committee then decides whether the student will be readmitted. The readmission decision made by the AAA Committee is final.

A student who was suspended for academic reasons is eligible to apply for readmission after the designated suspension period. The student must submit an application for readmission to the AAA Committee through the Office of Registration and Records at least three weeks prior to the beginning of the term. The committee will decide whether the student will be readmitted based upon the application, the previous work at Texas Lutheran University, activities since the suspension and prospects for the successful completion of a program of study. The readmission decision made by the AAA Committee is final. When a student is readmitted to TLU after having been suspended, he/she is admitted on academic probation. The student must in the first semester back at TLU, raise his/her cumulative GPA or again be suspended and/or dismissed.

Graduate students who are dismissed from the program may reapply under the current catalog. Readmission is not guaranteed and is considered on a case-by-case basis by the admission committee of the appropriate discipline.

Classification of Students


Regular students are those who have met all admissions requirements and are degree-seeking. Regular students may be full-time or part-time (registered for fewer than 12 semester hours credit). Regular students are classified according to the number of semester hours of college credit earned (this number does not include the hours in which the student is currently enrolled).

  • Freshman: 0-26 hours
  • Sophomore: 27-59 hours
  • Junior: 60-89 hours
  • Senior: 90+ hours
  • Graduate: 135+ hours and enrolled in a graduate program


Fulltime and part-time course loads are determined by classification as follows:

Classification Part-time Fulltime
Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior 11 hours or less 12 hours or more
Graduate 5 hours or less 6 hours or more

Special Students

Special students are those who either have not fulfilled all admission requirements or are not degree-seeking. Special students are not eligible for financial aid or for on-campus housing. Special students may attempt a maximum of 12 semester hours as a special student. After attempting 12 hours, the student must apply for regular admission and must meet all regular admission requirements. Special students must furnish all official transcripts. A student who has been denied admission to TLU as a degree-seeking undergraduate student may not be admitted as a special student.

Dual Participation Students

High achieving high school senior from local high schools are offered the opportunity to enroll in selected college-level courses to earn college credit. Questions about this program should be directed to the high school’s counselor or the Office of Registration & Records at Texas Lutheran University.

Class Attendance & Behavior

Drop/Fail Grades

Students are expected to attend all regularly scheduled classes, laboratories, studios, rehearsals, etc. for which they are registered. During the first week of class, each instructor will provide a written syllabus containing a statement of the instructor’s policies concerning student attendance, including penalties for nonattendance. Students are responsible for being familiar with the attendance policy for each course in which they are enrolled. In the event of excessive student absence from a course, the student’s grade may be lowered or the instructor may drop the student from the course with a failing grade (DF). A written notice of the instructor’s intent to drop a student failing from a class will be sent to the student and the student’s academic advisor five days prior to the instructor drop-failing the student. If this notice is received prior to the last day to drop a class, the student has the opportunity to withdraw from the course before the DF takes effect. A “W” grade will be reflected on the transcript if the student takes such action. If the number of absences that trigger the DF are accumulated after the “last day to drop a course,” the grade of DF will be entered immediately.

Athletic & Performance Related Absences

Students who are absent from classes because they officially represent the University in such sponsored activities as intercollegiate athletics, performance tours and events and other university-sponsored activities (including Krost Symposium and student participation in regional/national seminars) will be excused from classes under the following conditions:

  • A student’s absence from class does not excuse the student from any work missed during the absence. Students may not be penalized for such absences The student and instructor will devise an appropriate substitute for missed work, classes, and examinations.
  • The responsibility to make up work lies solely with the student who must discuss the missed assignments with the instructor as far in advance as possible.
  • The names of students who will miss class to represent the university will be sent to their instructors by their sponsor or coach as far in advance as possible of the class to be missed. This list should include departure time or reporting time and estimated return time.
  • Every attempt will be made to schedule travel that will have the least conflict with students’ class schedules. Athletic contests, other than mandatory playoff games and performance tours or events, will not be scheduled during final exams.

Military-Related Absences

Excused absences will be granted for students with short-term military obligations of no longer than five consecutive class days, with no more than ten total class days per semester. Longer absences will be handled on a case-by-case basis but will likely result in a “W” on the transcript. The student is responsible for contacting faculty members in advance and making up all work missed during excused absences.

Class Behavior

Students are expected to behave in a manner that is conducive to the learning environment for each class. Individual faculty may have specific behavioral guidelines for classroom conduct on their syllabi. Disruptive behavior will result in the student being dropped from the course with a grade of “W.” The faculty member must have the department chair sign (or approve) the withdrawal form and submit the form to the Office of Registration and Records. The student will be notified by the Office of Registration and Records that they have been dropped from the class and may no longer attend.

Grades, Grade Reports & Grade Points

Maximum Course Loads

The semester-hour credit system is used at Texas Lutheran University with a normal academic load of 15 hours each semester.

  • For entering freshmen, with a predicted grade point average below 2.7, the maximum academic load is 16 semester hours.
  • The maximum academic load is 18 semester hours. A student may, however, register for a greater load than 18 hours if the student achieved a 3.00 GPA in the previous semester.
  • Education majors are limited to 12 semester hours during their student teaching semester.
  • The maximum load for a 4-week summer session is 7 semester hours. The maximum load for a 2-week mini-term is 4 semester hours.

Quality Points

Quality of work or grade point average is based on the 4.0 point system (four grade points for each credit hour of “A” grade; three for each credit hour of “B” grade, etc.). The cumulative grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total grade points by the total semester hours attempted or registered for at Texas Lutheran University. The GPA is based only on grades for work at TLU; it does not include credit hours or grade points for work transferred from other institutions. The following letters are used in the TLU grading system:

    Quality Points
Used to determine GPA
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Satisfactory 2
D Passing 1
F Failure 0
DF Drop-failed by instructor 0
I Incomplete 0
CR Credit 0
NC Non-credit 0
AU Audit 0
W Withdrew 0
WP Withdrew passing 0
WF Withdrew failing 0

Incomplete Grades

A course grade of “I” must be changed by the instructor to a letter grade within 60 days. An incomplete grade contract must be signed by the student and the faculty member. An incomplete grade cannot be given without the completed contract signed by the department chair of the faculty member (the VPAA will sign if the faculty member is a department chair). The contract must include the following items:

  • The requirements remaining to be completed (for example one final exam or one five-page paper, etc.)
  • The grade for the course if the student does not complete the coursework.
  • The time allowed to complete the coursework is determined by the faculty member (a maximum of 60 days is permitted).

Withdrawal Grades

Students who withdraw from the university prior to the published withdrawal deadline for the term or subterm will receive a grade of “W” (withdrew) for each course; those who withdraw from the university after the published withdrawal deadline for the term or subterm will receive a grade of WP (withdrew passing) or WF (withdrew failing) for each course. For GPA computation, WF is equal to an “F.”

Grades are issued from the Office of Registration and Records within five working days after the end of the semester. Grade reports are available online to students via MyTLU. Six-week grades are provided for information and guidance for freshmen and for students on academic probation. These grades are not recorded on the student’s permanent record and will also be available online.

Repeating Courses

A student may repeat a course at Texas Lutheran University. The official grade is the last one made and is the grade used to compute the student’s grade point average. Credit for a course at another institution is acceptable in transfer; however, only the grade earned at Texas Lutheran University continues to be computed into the student’s grade point average. Repeating work by correspondence is discouraged.

Grade Changes

Grade changes must be submitted by the faculty member no later than the close of the long semester immediately following the term in which the incorrect or disputed grade was given. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor if the student feels an error has been made. If the instructor finds an error has occurred, the instructor must submit the grade change with rationale to the Admissions, Advising and Academic Standards (AAA) Committee.

If the student and the instructor cannot come to agreement on the grade (i.e., if the instructor will not submit a grade change), the student may submit to the AAA Committee a written request for a review of the disputed grade. The grade appeal must be submitted no later than ninety days from the end of the semester in which the grade was submitted by the professor. The student must prepare a written statement as to why he/she believes the grade to be incorrect. The faculty member will also prepare a written response. The AAA Committee will consider both submissions and make a decision. A final appeal of the AAA Committee decision can be requested by contacting the VPAA’s Office no later than 10 days after the AAA Committee’s decision.

Students not enrolled at Texas Lutheran University during the long semester immediately following the term for which the incorrect/disputed grade was received have one year in which to contact the faculty member and initiate a review of the grade. The faculty member must respond in writing to the student (with a copy to the AAA Committee) stating whether a grade change will or will not be submitted.

Transfer Credit

Credit from another regionally accredited institution is normally accepted at face value. Most core courses transferred from another regionally accredited institution will be accepted at TLU. The associated TLU competency will also be assigned. Transfer work from institutions in candidacy status with a regional accrediting body who are later granted accreditation will normally be accepted at face value. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain all needed documentation from the other institution. Credits presented from non-regionally accredited institutions are generally not acceptable.

A minimum “C” grade in a course is required for acceptability in transfer to TLU. Courses taken on a credit/no credit scale with an earned grade of credit (CR) are generally not acceptable from other institutions; however, courses taken on a credit/no credit scale with an earned grade of credit (CR) during the spring 2020 and summer 2020 semesters will be accepted. While the hours for those courses can be articulated, their ability to satisfy prerequisite requirements for admission to professional programs will be determined at the discretion of the professional program.

A maximum of 68 semester hours may be transferred from a junior or community college. Once the student attains junior classification, further transfer work from a junior college may be limited to 6-8 semester hours.

Students transferring from a Texas public college or university who are designated as “core complete” as noted on an official transcript at the time of admission will only be required to complete two general education courses, Introduction to Theology (THEO 133) and an ethics (E) competency course. All other TLU general education requirements will be considered complete.

Students who have earned graduate credit at other regionally accredited institutions may transfer graduate semester credit hours. Transfer credit is limited to 10 percent of the required credit hours for TLU’s graduate program. Maximum transfer credit for the masters of accountancy is 6 graduate semester hours.

Correspondence Course Credit

In special circumstances, work by correspondence may be considered for application to graduation requirements. The correspondence work must be from another regionally accredited institution. Prior approval of the correspondence course as applicable to the student’s graduation requirements must be obtained from the student’s academic advisor and the registrar.

Credit/No Credit Coursework

Students have the option in some courses to choose credit/no credit or regular “A-F” grades. Once the registration for the course is completed, the student may not change from credit/no credit to graded or vice versa.

Audit of Academic Courses

A student may audit (AU) a course with the approval of the instructor. The student will earn no credit and receive no grade and will not be required to complete assignments or take examinations. The student may not claim credit or challenge the course for credit at a later date. Adequate attendance for recording of AU on the student’s permanent record must be verified by the instructor. There is a fee for auditing courses. A change from audit to credit or credit to audit must be made by the last day to add a class for that semester.

Academic Standing

A student admitted to Texas Lutheran University is assumed to have the ability, the preparation, and the motivation to make satisfactory progress toward a degree. Some students, however, do not make the progress expected of them. Students not achieving minimum standards of progress are notified, offered academic counseling and given the opportunity to improve their work. Should suitable progress not be shown, they will be dismissed.

Minimum standards of progress are expressed in terms of a cumulative grade point average. The regulations regarding academic deficiency are designed to provide adequate warning and information to students who fall below the 2.0 cumulative grade point average - the minimum required for graduation from Texas Lutheran University.

Good Standing

To be in good academic standing, a freshman student must have a cumulative grade point average of 1.80 or higher. Upon attaining sophomore classification (27 hours), the student must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. Students who fall below these requirements are placed on academic probation.

Academic Honors: Dean’s List / President’s List

Dean’s and President’s Lists recognize full-time undergraduate students (12 or more graded hours) who have successfully completed a full load of semester credits with the requisite grade point average (3.5-3.99 for Dean’s List; 4.0 for President’s List). Students who receive incomplete grades do not qualify for such recognition in that semester.

Academic Warning

A student whose semester GPA falls below 2.0, but whose cumulative GPA is at least 2.0, will receive an academic warning from the registrar. This letter serves to alert the student to possible difficulties in the future if a 2.0 GPA is not achieved. No entry is made on the student’s permanent record.

Academic Probation

A student is placed on academic probation if the student has a cumulative grade point average below 2.0 (for sophomore, junior or senior students) or, for freshmen students (those with fewer than 27 semester hours earned) a cumulative grade point average below a 1.80. The cumulative GPA is based only on credit hours attempted at Texas Lutheran University.

Students placed on probation must, in the next semester (including the summer session, if enrolled) earn a cumulative GPA better than the previous cumulative GPA. Students must achieve good academic standing after two consecutive semesters on probation (excluding the summer, if enrolled) or they will be suspended.

A student is removed from academic probation when the cumulative GPA rises to a 2.0 (for sophomore, junior or senior students) or, for freshman students, rises to a 1.80.

When a student is readmitted to TLU after having been suspended, he/she is admitted on academic probation. The student must in the first semester back at TLU, raise his/her cumulative GPA or be again suspended and/or dismissed.

Students on academic probation are prohibited from participating in cocurricular activities (including intercollegiate athletics, fraternity/sorority activities and student government) and may lose some or all financial aid. Special consideration should be paid to the student’s academic load while the student is on probation.

Academic Suspension

A student on academic probation whose cumulative GPA does not improve is placed on academic suspension for one or more long semesters. Academic suspension also occurs if the student does not achieve good standing after two consecutive semesters or sessions (excluding the summer, if enrolled) on probation. The first suspension is for one long semester. A second suspension is for one year. These regulations also apply to any student who is admitted to Texas Lutheran University on academic probation.

Students on academic suspension from Texas Lutheran University are eligible to present credits earned at another institution during the period of suspension for transfer credit upon their return. Those credits must meet the university’s general standards for articulation of transfer credit and may not be used to replace grades earned at TLU.

For students using VA educational benefits, see the section on Veterans Affairs for additional satisfactory progress requirements.

Academic Dismissal

Students who receive a third academic suspension will be academically dismissed from the university. Students who receive an academic dismissal may not return to Texas Lutheran University.

Appeal Procedures

Students who are academically suspended from TLU may appeal their suspension to the Admissions, Advising and Academic Standards (AAA) Committee, whose decision is final. The appeal should detail the reasons for thinking the circumstances of the case warrant special consideration. The appeal must be filed no later than two weeks prior to registration for the following semester. The appeal will be reviewed by at least three members of the AAA Committee. If the appeal is denied, one semester must elapse before students suspended for the first time may apply for readmission; one year if the student has been previously suspended. A third suspension will constitute academic dismissal. Requests for readmission from students who left TLU on academic probation or who were suspended are also considered by the AAA Committee.

Permanent Records


A permanent record of each student’s credits, grades, and academic status is kept in the Office of Registration and Records. Access to this record is governed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended. Transcripts of the official record will be issued by the Office of Registration and Records only upon the receipt of a signed transcript request form available on the TLU website. No official transcripts will be issued for students whose financial account with the university is delinquent.

In October 2009, TLU implemented a new data system that changed several course numbers.

Access To Records

Texas Lutheran University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) (Buckley Amendment). This Act is designed to protect the privacy of students’ educational records and to establish students’ rights to review and inspect records. The policy permits disclosure of educational records under certain limited circumstances to the public or to a third party and routine disclosure, at the university’s discretion, of information referred to as directory information: name, address, phone number, photo, major, participation in sports, awards and honors, height, weight, degrees, dates of attendance, campus email address, photographic/videotaped images and previous colleges attended. A student has the right to prevent the disclosure of directory information by filing a request for nondisclosure in the Office of Registration and Records. Such a request is valid for the current academic semester only and must be submitted by the 12th class day of the semester or its equivalent in shorter terms. Questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act should be referred to the registrar or the dean of student life and learning.

Graduation Procedures

Earning A Degree

A student planning to graduate from Texas Lutheran University should make a commitment to a course of study by the beginning of the junior year. Following the completion of 60 hours of credit, a student may register or advance register for only one more semester before a degree plan must be on file. The student’s degree plan is approved by the chair of the department, the academic advisor and the registrar. The original is kept on file at the Office of Registration and Records and copies are sent to the academic advisor and to the student. If a change in the degree plan is later necessary, a substitution form must be filed or a new degree plan submitted.

A formal diploma application must be submitted to the Office of Registration and Records in the semester prior (Fall semester for prospective May graduates and Spring semester for prospective August and December graduates) to when the student plans to graduate.

The student is responsible for fulfilling the degree requirements for a particular degree as outlined in the catalog under which the student is graduating and to register in accordance therewith.

Participating In Commencement

Undergraduate students can participate in the fall or spring commencement ceremony corresponding to their last semester of enrollment (December commencement for those completing in August) if they are enrolled in all remaining degree requirements and do not drop, withdraw, or receive a grade of Drop-Fail (DF) in any required courses. Undergraduate students who complete all degree requirements in the summer may participate in the December ceremony following their graduation. TLU confers diplomas in summer but there is no summer commencement ceremony.

Students are discouraged from attempting to earn credit by exam (for example, CLEP) in their final semester. Since credit by exam opportunities are not actually enrolled classes, failure to earn the credit disqualifies students from participating in the commencement ceremony in that semester.

Students enrolled in a masters degree program who will complete degree requirements in summer may participate in the May commencement ceremony if they preregister for their summer classes prior to the end of the spring semester and receive written certification from their graduate advisor. The degree, or both degrees in cases of concurrent program students, will be conferred in August when all requirements have been completed.

Students in the Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program (ABSN) who finish in the summer term (mid-September) will participate in the December commencement ceremony; ABSN students on track to finish in the fall term (mid-January) will participate in the December commencement ceremony; ABSN students on track to finish in the spring semester (mid-May) will participate in the May commencement ceremony.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

The Counseling and Accommodation Services Office at TLU supports development and success of students by providing services in an atmosphere of respect and confidentiality. We are committed to providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations to eligible students. We value the diversity of our student body as well as the worth and dignity of each individual and collaborate with faculty and staff to increase the level of awareness of disabilities in the university committee. In accordance with the terms of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), Texas Lutheran University provides reasonable accommodations for students with physical/medical and/or learning disabilities and/or mental health diagnoses that meet the criteria of a disability. A request for reasonable accommodations should be initiated with Counseling and Accommodation Services in the Student Health and Wellness Center. The application and guidelines for documentation are available online via the student portal under Student Affairs and Accommodation Services.

It is the right and the responsibility of the individual student to request accommodations and to provide professional documentation of their disability. Documentation requirements may vary by disability and may include accommodation paperwork from a previous high school or university or a thorough letter from a medical or mental health provider. A student who requests disability accommodations will meet with the Director for Counseling and Accommodation Services to discuss disability documentation and eligibility for accommodations.

Once the eligibility for accommodations has been determined, a letter of accommodations (LOA) with the Director’s signature, detailing the appropriate accommodations, will be made available to the student through the portal. The student must send their LOA to their faculty through the portal. The student should meet with each instructor to discuss the reasonable and appropriate accommodations for each class. Accommodations are not retroactive and cannot be provided until a letter of accommodations has been provided to the instructor. The student is responsible for sending the LOA each semester or summer session.

Students living on-campus that have a disability-related need to modify their living environment must complete a Housing Application, which is found on the Accommodations page of the student portal, and include supporting documentation. The Director will review and evaluate the request and work with Campus Living to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations.

Students who are enrolled or who plan to enroll at Texas Lutheran University are eligible for admission and for financial aid programs on the same basis as students without disabilities.

All buildings on campus have access ramps and some have elevators. A limited number of parking spaces for students with physical disabilities are reserved throughout the campus. Students with disabled parking placard/plates must register their placard number on the portal along with their vehicle information. The disabled parking placard must be clearly displayed with no visual obstruction to the registered number.

Student questions or concerns regarding accommodations should be directed to the Director of Counseling and Accommodation Services.

Additional assistance may be available from the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), 312 S. Saunders St., Seguin, Texas 78155.

Appeals Procedure

Appeals regarding ADA accommodations should be made in writing and addressed to:

  • Director of Counseling and Accommodation Services
  • 830-372-8009
  • Texas Lutheran University
  • 1000 West Court Street Seguin, Texas 78155

If the appeal is filed during the summer session or if it involves the Director of Counseling and Accommodation Services, it should be filed with the:

  • Director of Counseling and Disability Services
  • 830-372-8009
  • Texas Lutheran University
  • 1000 West Court Street
  • Seguin, Texas 78155

Within 15 calendar days after the receipt of the appeal, the Director of Counseling and Accommodation Services or the Dean of Students will meet with the student and with other university officials as appropriate to discuss possible resolutions. A response in writing will be given within 15 calendar days.

If the response by the Director of Counseling and Accommodation Services or the Dean of Students does not satisfactorily resolve the issue, the student may appeal the decision within 15 calendar days to the Vice President of Student Affairs for a final decision.