Feb 14, 2025  
2023 - 2024 Catalog 
2023 - 2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs

Texas Lutheran University cares about the development of the whole student and believes that a student’s education consists of learning both inside and outside of the classroom. The Division of Student Affairs serves as a bridge connecting the curricular and co-curricular by working with students, faculty, and staff to provide a variety of opportunities for involvement in a full range of academic, cultural, spiritual, and social activities and organizations.

Student Affairs serves a diverse student body as they manage academic, personal, and social experiences throughout their tenure at Texas Lutheran. The division is led by the Vice President and is comprised of the following: Advising Support, Student Success & Retention, Counseling & Accessibility Center, Dean of Students Office, First Year Experience & Student Transitions, Student Health & Wellness, Campus Living, Campus Activities & Student Engagement, and Service Learning & Career Development.

The information below gives a brief description of each department, along with an abbreviated list of student organizations. Detailed information about student programs, student organizations, and university policies can be found in the TLU Student Handbook located on the TLU website and the myTLU portal.

Student Success & Retention Services

Texas Lutheran University Student Success & Retention Services provides academic assistance to all TLU students and is comprised of the Office of Student Success & Retention, Early Academic Warning Program, and the Developing Scholars Program.

Office of Student Success & Retention

The Office of Student Success & Retention is open to all TLU students and houses the Collaborative Learning Assistance (tutoring) and Supplemental Instruction programs, provides campus-wide academic workshops, and individual academic counseling and support services. The office is located in the lower level of the Blumberg Library.

Early Academic Warning Program

The Early Academic Warning Program, conducted after the third and sixth week of each semester, is for all first-year students, transfer students, athletes, veterans, students on academic probation and academic warning, and students in the Education program. Faculty members are contacted for feedback on students’ participation and status in class. The three-week inquiry includes checks on behavioral issues that could lead to academic difficulty and the six-week check consists of grades earned as of that date. Students identified as struggling through three or six week checks will be contacted and provided support on resources available to improve their academic success.

Developing Scholars Program

The Developing Scholars Program is a voluntary program for students on academic probation, academic warning, or others who desire individual assistance. The program provides support through weekly meetings with a Student Affairs staff person where time management, study strategies, goal setting, and campus resources are discussed.

Peer Academic Coaching

Peer Academic Coaches are current TLU students who are trained to meet with other students individually or in small groups to provide help with time management, motivation, study strategies, and using campus resources.

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry at Texas Lutheran University provides a focal point for the community of faith where people:

  • Proclaim Christ in Word, Encounter Christ in Sacrament and in relationship.
  • Discern what they believe and value.
  • Respond to human need, work for peace and justice and care for the sick and suffering.
  • Find supportive community.
  • Receive welcome, no matter what faith, tradition, nationality, race or denomination.
  • Seek sensitive, personal and confidential pastoral care.
  • Join in praise and worship, exploring the rich liturgical Christian worship tradition.

Active Campus Ministry groups include The Campus Congregation, The Catholic Student Organization, The Wesley Foundation (Methodist), Christian Fellowship, and Athletes in Action.

Service Learning & Career Development

The Service Learning & Career Development office provides support to students in the development and achievement of their career goals. Professionals assist students in assessing interests, values, and abilities; choosing majors; searching for jobs, internships and careers; finding and applying to graduate schools; using social media and developing a personal brand; practice interviewing; hosting career events and fairs; reviewing career-related documents; and providing electronic career resources and tools.

Furthermore, Service Learning & Career Development provides leadership to the Jon and Sandra Moline Center for Servant Leadership and facilitates opportunities for students to grow as global citizens and civic leaders through community service and civic engagement. The office exists as an extension of the University into the community and helps students discover civic identity and linkages between the academy and service within the community.

Counseling and Disabilities Services

Counseling services are provided by a licensed professional counselor or master’s level interns on a short term basis for concerns including, but not limited to: adjustment to university life, anxiety, depression, relationships, and stress management. Services are free and confidential and referrals are available. The counseling office also provides outreach through workshops, support groups and trainings throughout the year. Appointments can be scheduled online using TLU Counseling Services portal page, or in person at Residence Life suite in ASC, or by emailing or calling the Director of Counseling and Disability Services. Full time students may utilize TLU Care 24/7 for no cost anywhere within US. Students may choose Talk Now or Scheduled telehealth counseling services. If you haven’t already, register at tlu.care to get started. You must sign up with your TLU email address.

If a student is in need of a reasonable accommodation, it is that student’s responsibility to contact the Office of Disability Services (ODS), as the ADA requires the person with a disability to self-identify, provide authentic documentation of a disability, and request reasonable accommodations. In order to initiate services, students should contact ODS for instructions, or information and application can be found on TLU Disability Services portal page. Accommodations are not approved retroactively, so students are encouraged to make their requests known as soon as possible. Annual or periodic documentation may be required for renewal of accommodations. Renewal requests should contact Disability Services for documentation requirements. Students are required to request Letters of Accommodation at the start of each semester for activation of accommodations.

Dean of Students Office

The Dean of Students office supports student learning and success through the development and administration of division departments and programs that encourage a successful educational experience for a diverse student body. The Dean of Students office houses the Vice President, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students (who is the senior student affairs officer for the institution), who work together to manage the overall functions of the division. Specific programs housed within the Dean of Students Office are:

Academic Support

Academic advising is administered through the Office of Advising Support and is carried out by TLU faculty members. The Office of Advising Support guides students in developing a coherent educational plan consistent with personal interests, values, and abilities through the provision of individual support, resources, and programming that contribute to degree completion and lifelong learning. Although many individuals on campus, including academic advisors, may assist the student in making decisions and accomplishing goals, the academic advisor is granted formal authority by the university to approve the student’s academic program of study and assist the student in progressing toward their chosen degree.

Student Alert Program

The Student Alert Program is provided as an avenue for faculty and staff to convey concerns about students to the Dean of Students office. Once alerted, staff will contact the student for follow-up to provide support and/or appropriate referrals as needed.

Student Code of Conduct

The Vice-President is responsible for the development of policies and the administration of the Student Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct and disciplinary process apply to all enrolled students, including university-affiliated student organizations. A copy of the Student Code of Conduct may be found on the TLU website (www.tlu.edu) and the portal (my.tlu.edu).

First Year Experience & Student Transitions

The First Year & Student Transitions office coordinates New Student Orientation and a wide range of programs focusing on support for specialized student populations and campus wide retention efforts for first year and students in transition. This office is home to such programs as Peer Mentors; Parent & Family support programs; and academic and social initiatives for commuters, transfers, athletes, veterans, and first-generation students.

Student Health and Wellness

The University maintains a limited health service for the benefit of all students. The goal of the health program is to promote and maintain the health and general wellbeing of students through limited clinical services, and health instruction. The Student Health and Wellness Center is staffed by a Licensed Vocational daily, during the week. Students are also encouraged to utilize TLU Care; a free telehealth service that gives students 24/7 access to medical providers for Telehealth visits.

Campus Living

The university’s mission is to develop the whole person - academically, socially, and spiritually - and living on campus is a significant part of an enriching college experience. Two-thirds of TLU’s students live on campus in a variety of configurations including six residence halls and seven on-campus apartment buildings. Each residential living option provides a safe and welcoming environment where students can easily walk to class, Hein Dining Hall or the fitness center at Jones Sports Complex.

Full-time students are required to live in university housing, except for students who are married, over 21 years of age at the beginning of the fall semester, have lived on a college or university campus for a minimum of four semesters, or are commuting from their parent’s/guardian’s home within a 30 mile-radius of Seguin. Requests for exceptions to this policy are initiated by completing the housing exemption form located at my.tlu.edu under the Campus Living tab. Any supporting documents should be sent to the Campus Living Office. If a student’s academic load falls below 12 hours during the course of a semester, the university reserves the right to require that student to live off-campus. This also applies to students who elect part-time study at the beginning of the spring term after having carried a full course load the previous semester. Students or applicants under the age of 18 will be reviewed on a case-bycase basis. Students who begin the academic year in residence commit themselves to a full academic year of residence in university housing except for marriage, graduation, study abroad, student teaching, internships outside the local area or withdrawals. Campus housing assignments are made without regard to race, creed, color, sexual orientation or national origin.

Campus Activities and Student Engagement

Campus Activities encourages student involvement through a wide variety of organizations, events, activities, and structured experiences that promote personal learning and growth in a student-centered environment. Below is a partial listing of various campus organizations managed by this office with further information available in the TLU Student Handbook or from the director at 830-372-6040.

TLU Student Organizations

Campus Ministry and Religious Organizations

  • Athletes in Action
  • Catholic Student Organization (CSO)
  • Campus Ministry Leadership
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
  • Canterbury Association
  • Wesley Foundation (Methodist)

Campus Organizations

  • Admissions Ambassadors
  • Collaborative Learning Assistants
  • Student Government Association (SGA)
  • Resident Assistants
  • Black & Gold President’s Council
  • Peer Mentors
  • Supplemental Instructors
  • Campus Activities Board

Departmental Organizations

  • Athletic Training Club
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • Geography Club
  • Philosophy Club
  • Mathematical Association of America
  • Pi Rho
  • Psychology Club
  • Kinesiology Club
  • Society of Physics Students
  • National Alliance of Mental Illness Texas
  • Academy of Science (TAS)
  • Pre-Health Professions Club
  • TLU Student Nurses Association (SNA)

Fitness and Campus Recreation

  • Basketball
  • Sand Volleyball
  • Bulldog Gym (cross-training)
  • Softball
  • Dodgeball
  • Special Events
  • Fitness Contests
  • Tennis
  • Flag Footbal
  • Volleyball
  • Kickball
  • Yoga
  • Racquetball

Fraternal Organizations

Council for Fraternity & Sorority Life

Sororities Fraternities
Beta Alpha Sigma Omega Tau
Delta Alpha Delta Sigma Phi Theta
Kappa Pi Gamma  
Sigma Delta Lambda  
Xi Tau  

Honors Societies

  • Alpha Chi (national honor society)
  • Lambda Pi Eta (communication)
  • Alpha Lambda Delta (academic excellence)
  • National Society of Leadership & Success (leadership)
  • Alpha Mu Gamma (foreign language)
  • Phi Alpha Theta (education)
  • Alpha Psi Omega (theater)
  • Pi Lambda Theta (education)
  • Alpha Rho Tau (art)
  • Psi Chi (psychology)
  • Beta Beta Beta (biology)
  • Sigma Pi Sigma (physics)
  • Delta Epsilon Iota (national honor society)
  • Sigma Tau Delta (English)
  • Delta Mu Delta (Internat’l honor society)
  • Theta Alpha Kappa (theology)
  • Iota Tau Alpha (athletic training)

Intercollegiate Athletics

Student Athlete Advisory Committee

Women’s Men’s
Basketball Basketball
Cross Country Baseball
Golf Cross Country
Soccer Golf
Softball Soccer
Tennis Football
Track and Field Tennis
Tumbling & Acrobatics Track and Field

Musical Organizations

  • Bulldog Band Association
  • Bulldog Pep Band
  • Bulldog Orchestra Association
  • Kappa Kappa Psi (band fraternity)
  • Kantorei Chamber Choir
  • Mid-Texas Symphony
  • Mariachi Oro y Negro de TLU
  • Tau Beta Sigma (band sorority)
  • TLU Choir
  • TLU Concert Band
  • TLU Drumline
  • TLU Jazz Band
  • TLU Orchestra
  • TLU Women’s Choir
  • TLU Chamber Winds

Professional Organizations

  • Alpha Kappa Psi
  • Student Education Association (SEA)

Service and Social Organizations

  • Black Student Union (BSU)
  • Chess Club
  • Environmental Action (EnAct)
  • Goldstar Dance Team
  • Habitat for Humanity
  • Men of Honor
  • Mexican-American Student Association (MASA)
  • Service Through Music
  • Sexuality Awareness for Everyone (SAFE)
  • TLU Gamers
  • TLU Student Veterans of America
  • Water to Thrive

Theatre Organizations

TheatreXpress (students of all majors are encouraged to audition for fall and spring productions).

Student Government

All full-time students are members of the Student Government Association. The student body president and vice-president, together with a representative Student Senate, work with faculty and staff in achieving university goals and in providing an open forum for student opinion and action.

Students nominated by the student body president represent student opinion on many university committees that are concerned with academic matters as well as certain aspects of the co-curricular program.

Student Health and Wellness

The University maintains a limited health service for the benefit of all students. The goal of the health program is to promote and maintain the health and general wellbeing of students through limited clinical services, and health instruction. The Student Health and Wellness Center is staffed by a Licensed Vocational Nurse Monday through Friday 8 am to 5pm. Students are also encouraged to utilize TLU Care; a free telehealth service that give students 24/7 access to medical providers for Telehealth visits.

TLU Honor Code

In 2012, the TLU Student Government Association spearheaded the establishment of a student honor code. In an effort to be inclusive of overall community aspirations, the goal of this code was to capture not only honorable academic behavior, but the approach to and behavior within the overall campus community. The adopted TLU Honor Code is:

Bulldogs demonstrate respect, pride, and leadership through integrity and accountability in our academics and community.

Academics - We are part of a team that is determined and dedicated to our education. For our success, the faculty will challenge our understanding in a competitive learning environment. We will fulfill coursework with our own ideas, give recognition to others when we borrow, and hold our peers to the same.

Beliefs - TLU has a diverse and meaningful faith-based atmosphere that fosters spiritual growth and humility. Our beliefs promote honesty and integrity in all that we do.

Community - Our school spirit and tight knit community are a result of our friendly, supportive, compassionate and open environment. As long as we strive to be exemplary, TLU’s prestigious traditions will provide lifelong opportunity through networking and personal empowerment.